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Cat Leg Swollen and Limping: Causes and Treatments

If your cat’s leg is swollen and they are limping, it could be caused by an injury, infection, arthritis, or more serious conditions. It is important to take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In this article, we will discuss the causes, diagnosis, and treatments for cats with swollen and limping legs.

Causes of Swollen and Limping Cat Leg

There are several possible causes for a swollen and limping cat leg. It could be due to an injury, infection, or more serious conditions.

Injury - Injuries are one of the most common causes of swollen and limping cat legs. Cats can get injured from jumping, climbing, fighting, or being hit by a car. Injuries can range from minor scrapes and bruises to broken bones and ligament tears.

Infection - Infections can cause swelling and limping in cats. Bacterial and fungal infections can affect the skin, bones, and joints. Common infections include abscesses, wounds, and skin infections.

Arthritis - Arthritis is a common cause of limping in cats. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. It is usually seen in older cats and can be caused by injury, infection, or other conditions.

Other Conditions - Other conditions that can cause limping and swelling in cats include cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

The best way to determine the cause of your cat’s swollen and limping leg is to take them to the vet for a diagnosis. Your vet will examine your cat and may recommend additional tests such as X-rays, blood tests, or ultrasounds.

Depending on the cause of your cat’s swollen and limping leg, your vet may recommend one of the following treatments:

  • Rest - Rest is often recommended for cats with swollen and limping legs. This will help the injury or infection heal and reduce inflammation.
  • Medication - Your vet may prescribe medication to reduce pain and inflammation. This could include anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, or other medications.
  • Surgery - In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair broken bones or repair torn ligaments.
  • Physical Therapy - Physical therapy can help cats with arthritis or other conditions that cause limping and swelling. This can include massage, heat therapy, and exercises.


You can help prevent your cat from getting a swollen and limping leg by taking the following steps:

  • Keep your cat indoors to prevent them from being hit by a car or getting into a fight.
  • Make sure your cat is up to date on vaccinations and parasite control.
  • Give your cat regular exercise to keep them fit and healthy.
  • Provide your cat with a safe and comfortable place to rest.
  • Monitor your cat for any changes in behavior or health.


Swollen and limping cat legs can be caused by injuries, infections, arthritis, or other conditions. It is important to take your cat to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the cause, your vet may recommend rest, medication, surgery, or physical therapy. You can also help prevent your cat from getting a swollen and limping leg by keeping them indoors, up to date on vaccinations, and providing them with regular exercise.

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