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Stop Your Dog's Habit of Digging Holes

Dogs love to dig, and it can be hard to discourage them from this behavior. But with the right tools and techniques, you can teach your pup to stop digging and keep your garden safe. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best tips for how to keep your dog from digging and provide some solutions for keeping your pup from ruining your garden.

Why Do Dogs Dig?

The first step to preventing your pup from digging is understanding why they do it in the first place. Dogs may dig for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Boredom: If your pup doesn’t have enough mental or physical stimulation, they may resort to digging as a way to pass the time.
  • Hunting: Some breeds, such as terriers, may dig in an attempt to catch small animals, like mice or voles.
  • Comfort: If your pup is looking for a place to cool off during hot weather, they may dig a hole to lie in.
  • Exploration: Dogs may dig to explore their environment and uncover new smells and objects.

By understanding why your pup is digging, you can find the best way to address the problem and keep your pup from digging in the future.

Provide Alternatives

One of the best ways to keep your pup from digging is to provide them with alternative activities. If your pup is digging out of boredom, make sure they have plenty of toys and chews to keep them occupied. Try giving them a stuffed Kong or a puzzle toy to keep them entertained and distracted from digging.

If your pup is digging out of a desire to explore, try taking them for regular walks and trips to the dog park. This will give them the opportunity to explore new environments and keep them away from your garden.

You can also try providing your pup with a designated digging area. Choose an area in your yard that isn’t near your garden and fill it with sand or dirt. Let your pup know that this is the only place they’re allowed to dig, and reward them when they do it in the right spot.

Discourage Digging

In addition to providing your pup with alternative activities, there are several ways to discourage them from digging in your garden. Try the following tips:

  • Cover the area: Place large rocks, plants, or other objects over the spots where your pup likes to dig. This will make it more difficult for them to dig and discourage them from trying.
  • Spray with water: If you catch your pup in the act of digging, spray them with water from a spray bottle to startle them and discourage them from continuing.
  • Scatter citrus peels: Dogs don’t like the smell of citrus, so try scattering citrus peels over the area where your pup likes to dig. This will discourage them from digging there.
  • Use a fence: If your pup is digging to escape, try installing a fence around the area. This will keep them from digging and help keep them safe.

Train Your Dog

Another effective way to keep your pup from digging is to train them. Start by teaching your pup the “leave it” command. When they start to dig, say “leave it” and offer them a treat when they stop. This will teach them that digging is not allowed and that they will be rewarded when they stop.

You can also use the “sit” command to discourage your pup from digging. When you catch them in the act of digging, call them to you and tell them to sit. Offer them a treat when they obey and ignore them when they don’t. This will teach them that digging is not rewarded and that they will be rewarded when they obey.


Dogs love to dig, but it can be hard to keep them from ruining your garden. By understanding why your pup is digging and providing them with alternative activities, you can discourage them from digging and keep your garden safe. You can also train your pup to obey commands and discourage them from digging in the future. With the right tools and techniques, you can teach your pup to stop digging and keep your garden safe.

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