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How To Deter Dogs From Peeing: An In-Depth Guide

Dogs peeing inside the house is a common problem that pet owners face. In this guide, we provide a comprehensive overview of the causes of this issue, as well as tips and tricks to help deter dogs from peeing in the house. We also provide information on when to contact a veterinarian for further assistance.

What Causes Dogs To Pee In The House?

In order to effectively deter dogs from peeing in the house, it is important to understand the causes of this problem. The most common causes of a dog peeing in the house include medical issues, anxiety, boredom, and territorial marking. Medical issues such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, and incontinence can cause a dog to urinate in the house. Anxiety and boredom can also lead to a dog relieving themselves inside the home. Lastly, some dogs may mark their territory by peeing in the house.

How To Deter Dogs From Peeing In The House

The best way to deter dogs from peeing in the house is to take preventative measures. Here are some tips to help keep your pup from peeing inside:

  • Provide Regular Potty Breaks: Make sure your pup has regular opportunities to go outside to pee. If your pup has not gone outside in a while, take them out for a potty break.
  • Limit Access to Areas: Limit access to areas in the house where your pup might pee, such as carpets, furniture, and beds.
  • Clean Up Accidents Immediately: If your pup has an accident, clean it up immediately. This will help prevent your pup from returning to the same spot to pee again.
  • Reward Good Behaviour: Whenever your pup goes to the bathroom outside, reward them with a treat or verbal praise.
  • Exercise Regularly: Make sure your pup is getting enough exercise. Regular exercise can help reduce boredom, which can lead to peeing in the house.
  • Create a Routine: Establish a consistent routine for your pup. This can help reduce anxiety and provide structure for your pup.

What To Do If You Can't Deter Your Dog From Peeing In The House

If you have tried the tips above and have not been able to deter your dog from peeing in the house, it is important to contact a veterinarian. A vet can help you determine if there is a medical issue that is causing your pup to urinate in the home. They can also provide tips and advice on how to stop your pup from peeing in the house.


Dogs peeing in the house is a common problem that pet owners face. In order to effectively deter dogs from peeing in the house, it is important to understand the causes of this problem and take preventative measures. If you have tried the tips above and have not been able to deter your dog from peeing in the house, contact a veterinarian for further assistance.

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