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Managing Excitement Urination in Dogs: Prevention & Training

Dogs peeing when they get excited is a common problem. It is unpleasant, embarrassing and can even be damaging to carpets and furniture. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stop your pup from peeing when excited. This article will explain the causes of this behavioural issue and provide tips for how to stop your dog from peeing when excited.

What Causes Dogs to Pee When Excited?

There are several reasons why dogs may pee when they are excited. The most common cause is submissive urination. This occurs when a pup feels overwhelmed or insecure in a particular situation. Other causes include a medical issue such as a urinary tract infection, or a lack of training. Whatever the cause, it’s important to identify it so that you can take the right steps to stop the behaviour.

How to Stop a Dog from Peeing When Excited

The best way to stop a dog from peeing when excited is to take a two-pronged approach. First, you must address the underlying cause of the behaviour. If it’s caused by submissive urination, you must work on building your pup’s confidence. You can do this by providing positive reinforcement when they behave well and ignoring any negative behaviour. If the cause is a medical issue, then you must take your pup to the vet for a check-up.

Second, you must work on teaching your pup not to pee when they are excited. The best way to do this is to use positive reinforcement. When your pup is calm and not peeing, reward them with a treat or a toy. As they get used to the reward, they will start to associate the reward with not peeing. You can also use distraction techniques such as a loud noise or a sudden movement to take their attention away from the excitement.

The most important thing to remember is to remain calm and be patient. Dogs can sense when their owners are frustrated and this can make the problem worse. With consistent training and patience, you can stop your pup from peeing when excited.


Dogs peeing when they are excited is a common problem. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stop your pup from peeing when excited. You must first identify the underlying cause of the behaviour and then use positive reinforcement to teach your pup to control their bladder. With consistent training and patience, you can help your pup overcome this behaviour and become a well-behaved pup.

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