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How to Prevent Dogs from Eating Poop

Eating poop (coprophagia) is an undesirable behaviour in dogs that can be caused by a number of factors. Fortunately, there are a few steps that you can take to help prevent your dog from eating poop. These include changing the environment your dog is in, providing them with dietary supplements, and reinforcing good behaviour. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog break this nasty habit.

Understand the Causes of Coprophagia

Before you can begin to tackle the problem of coprophagia, it is important to understand the underlying causes. In most cases, coprophagia is caused by either a behavioural or a medical issue. It is important to rule out any potential medical causes before attempting to tackle the behaviour.

Behavioural causes of coprophagia can include boredom, attention-seeking, or a lack of proper training. Medical causes can include nutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, or hormonal imbalances. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from a medical issue, it is important to take them to the vet for a check-up.

Change the Environment

The environment in which your dog lives can have a big impact on their behaviour. If you suspect that your dog is eating poop due to boredom or lack of exercise, then providing them with a stimulating environment can help to reduce or eliminate the behaviour. This can include providing them with plenty of toys and activities, as well as taking them for regular walks.

In addition, it is important to clean up any poop in your yard as soon as possible. This will reduce the likelihood of your dog eating it, as there will be nothing for them to snack on.

Provide Dietary Supplements

If your dog is eating poop due to a nutrient deficiency, then providing them with dietary supplements can help to reduce or eliminate the behaviour. There are a number of supplements on the market that are specifically designed to address coprophagia. These supplements are usually a combination of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that help to improve digestion and provide your dog with the nutrients they need.

Reinforce Good Behaviour

It is important to remember that dogs are creatures of habit. If they are rewarded for good behaviour, they are more likely to repeat it. Whenever you catch your dog not eating poop, it is important to reward them with praise and treats. This will help to reinforce the behaviour and make it more likely that they will repeat it in the future.


Coprophagia is an undesirable behaviour in dogs that can be caused by a number of factors. Fortunately, there are a few steps that you can take to help prevent your dog from eating poop. These include changing the environment your dog is in, providing them with dietary supplements, and reinforcing good behaviour. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog break this nasty habit.

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