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How to Get Your Dog to Pee on Pee Pads

Housebreaking a puppy can be a challenging task for a pet owner. Fortunately, there is an easier alternative to potty training – pee pads. Training your dog to use pee pads is a relatively simple process, and in this article, we will explain the steps necessary to get your dog to pee on pee pads.

Choose the Right Pee Pads

The first step in training your dog to use pee pads is to choose the right ones. Look for pee pads that are specifically designed for dogs, as they are usually made of absorbent materials and will not move around when your dog steps on them. It is also important to choose the right size of pee pads for your dog, as this will make it easier for them to use them.

When buying pee pads, make sure to get ones that are scented. The scent will help attract your dog to the pee pad and make it easier for them to find it when they need to go.

Set Up the Pee Pad Area

Once you have the right pee pads, it is time to set up the area where your dog will use them. Choose a spot that is easily accessible to your dog, such as near their bed or in a corner of the room. Make sure to place the pee pads on a flat surface, such as the floor, so that your dog can easily find them.

It is also important to keep the pee pad area clean. Make sure to clean up any messes that your dog makes, as this will encourage them to continue using the pee pads.

Introduce Your Dog to the Pee Pads

The next step is to introduce your dog to the pee pads. Start by placing your dog near the pee pads and encouraging them to sniff and explore them. Once they seem comfortable with the pee pads, you can start to move them closer to the pee pad area.

When your dog is comfortable with the pee pads, you can start to encourage them to use them. Place treats on the pee pads to attract your dog to them, and when they go near the pee pads, reward them with a treat. This will help to reinforce the behavior and make it easier for them to learn to use the pee pads.

Monitor Your Dog's Progress

Once you have introduced your dog to the pee pads and started to encourage them to use them, it is important to monitor their progress. Make sure to watch your dog closely and reward them when they use the pee pads, as this will help to reinforce the behavior. If your dog does not seem to be using the pee pads, you may need to move them closer to the area or try using different types of treats.

It is also important to make sure that your dog is not using the pee pads as a toy. If you notice that your dog is playing with the pee pads, it is important to remove them and discourage the behavior.

Be Patient and Consistent

Housebreaking a dog can take time and patience, and it is important to be consistent and patient when training your dog to use pee pads. It may take several weeks or even months before your dog is fully trained, and it is important to remember that your dog may have accidents during this process. Do not punish your dog for these mistakes, as this will only make it harder for them to learn.

It is also important to remember that every dog is different, and some may take longer to learn than others. Be patient and consistent, and eventually, your dog will learn to use the pee pads.


Training your dog to use pee pads can be a challenging but rewarding process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can help your dog learn to use the pee pads and make housebreaking a much easier process. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog become used to using the pee pads and make housebreaking a much easier process.

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