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Top 10 Best Things to Teach Your Dog

Having a well-trained and obedient dog can be a source of joy. Teaching your dog the right behaviours can be a rewarding experience both for you and your furry friend. This article will discuss the 10 best things to teach your dog to ensure that they are well-behaved and obedient.

1. Sit

Teaching your dog to sit is the most basic and fundamental command that your dog should know. It is the starting point for teaching them other commands and is also a great way to keep them calm and focused. To teach your dog to sit, start by holding a treat in your hand and holding it above their head. As your dog stands up to get the treat, gently push their hindquarters downwards and say "sit." As soon as your dog sits, give them the treat and praise them. With enough practice, your dog will soon learn to sit on command.

2. Stay

Stay is another essential command that your dog should know. It is important for situations where you want your dog to remain in one place, such as when crossing a busy street or when visitors come to the house. To teach your dog to stay, start by having them sit and then hold up your hand with your palm facing them and say "stay." If your dog gets up, gently guide them back into the sitting position and repeat the command. Give your dog a treat and praise them when they stay in position.

3. Come

The come command is an important one for keeping your dog safe. It is especially important if your dog is off the leash and you need them to come to you quickly. To teach your dog to come, start by standing a few feet away from them and then call their name and say "come." If your dog comes to you, give them a treat and lots of praise. If they don't come, try again and increase the distance between you and your dog a little bit every time until your dog is coming to you from across the room.

4. Leave It

The leave it command is a great one for teaching your dog not to touch or eat things they shouldn't. To teach your dog to leave it, start by placing a treat on the ground and then saying "leave it." If your dog goes to touch the treat, cover it with your hand and say "leave it" again. When your dog stops trying to get the treat, reward them with a treat from your hand and lots of praise.

5. Drop It

The drop it command is important for teaching your dog to let go of things that they shouldn't have, such as shoes or other objects. To teach your dog to drop it, start by having them hold an object in their mouth and then say "drop it." If your dog drops the object, give them a treat and lots of praise. If they don't drop the object, try gently prying their mouth open and saying "drop it" again. When your dog drops the object, reward them with a treat and lots of praise.

6. Wait

Wait is a great command for teaching your dog patience and self-control. It is especially important for teaching them not to jump up on people or to run out the door when it is opened. To teach your dog to wait, start by having them sit and then say "wait." If your dog gets up, gently guide them back into the sitting position and repeat the command. Give your dog a treat and praise them when they stay in position.

7. Down

The down command is a great one for teaching your dog to stay in a lying down position. To teach your dog to down, start by having them sit and then hold a treat in front of their nose and say "down." As your dog reaches for the treat, gently push their hindquarters downwards and say "down." As soon as your dog lies down, give them the treat and praise them. With enough practice, your dog will soon learn to lay down on command.

8. Roll Over

Roll over is a fun trick that your dog can learn. To teach your dog to roll over, start by having them lie down and then hold a treat in front of their nose and say "roll over." As your dog reaches for the treat, gently roll them over onto their back and say "roll over." As soon as your dog rolls over, give them the treat and praise them. With enough practice, your dog will soon learn to roll over on command.

9. Speak

Speak is a fun trick that your dog can learn. To teach your dog to speak, start by having them sit and then say "speak" in an excited voice. If your dog barks, give them a treat and lots of praise. If they don't bark, try again and increase the excitement in your voice every time until your dog is barking on command.

10. Shake

Shake is another fun trick that your dog can learn. To teach your dog to shake, start by having them sit and then hold out your hand and say "shake." If your dog puts their paw in your hand, give them a treat and lots of praise. If they don't put their paw in your hand, try again and gently take their paw in your hand and say "shake" again. When your dog puts their paw in your hand, reward them with a treat and lots of praise.

Teaching your dog these 10 commands will ensure that they are well-behaved and obedient. It is important to remember that dogs learn best through positive reinforcement, so be sure to give your dog lots of treats and praise when they do something right. With enough patience and practice, your dog will soon be responding to all of these commands and will be a joy to have around.

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