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How to Stop a Dog From Digging: A Comprehensive Guide

If your pooch is an avid digger, you may be wondering if it is possible to put a stop to their digging habits. The good news is that it is possible to stop a dog from digging and this comprehensive guide will provide you with a range of tips and tricks to help you curb your pup's digging. We will cover the reasons why your dog may be digging in the first place, as well as discuss some of the most effective ways to prevent your pup from digging.

Why Do Dogs Dig?

Before we discuss how to stop a dog from digging, it is important to understand why your pup is digging in the first place. Dogs may dig for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Boredom: If your pup is not getting enough mental or physical stimulation, they may start to dig as a way to pass the time.
  • Instinct: Digging is an instinctive behavior in some breeds, such as terriers, as they were bred to hunt and dig out small animals from their underground burrows.
  • Escape: Your pup may be trying to escape from the yard or from a situation they don't like.
  • Hunting: Your pup may be trying to hunt small animals or insects that they can smell in the ground.

Once you understand why your pup is digging, you can begin to implement some of the strategies outlined below to stop them from digging.

How to Stop a Dog From Digging

There are a range of strategies you can employ to stop your pup from digging. These strategies range from providing more stimulation for your pup to using deterrents to discourage your pup from digging.

Provide More Stimulation

If your pup is digging out of boredom, then providing them with more stimulation can be an effective way to curb their digging habits. This can include providing your pup with more exercise, such as taking them for a daily walk or playing fetch in the yard. You can also provide your pup with mental stimulation by teaching them new tricks or playing hide and seek with them.

You can also provide your pup with toys to play with, such as chew toys or interactive toys. This will help keep them occupied and provide them with an outlet for their energy.

Create a Digging Area

If your pup is a digger by instinct, then you can create a designated digging area in your yard. This can be a sandbox or a patch of dirt that your pup is allowed to dig in. You can also bury treats or toys in the digging area to encourage your pup to dig there.

It is important to supervise your pup when they are in the digging area, so that you can redirect them if they try to dig elsewhere.

Use Deterrents

You can also use deterrents to discourage your pup from digging. This can include using fencing to block off areas of your yard that you don't want your pup to dig in. You can also use repellents, such as citrus or vinegar, to create an unpleasant smell in the area you don't want your pup to dig in.

You can also use a noise deterrent, such as a whistle or a can filled with coins, to startle your pup when they start to dig. This will help them associate digging with an unpleasant sound and will discourage them from digging in the future.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

If you catch your pup in the act of digging, it is important to provide them with positive reinforcement. This can include praising your pup when they stop digging or providing them with treats when they obey your commands. This will help them associate digging with a negative experience and will encourage them to stop digging in the future.

It is also important to provide your pup with plenty of attention and affection. This will help your pup to feel secure and loved, which will help to reduce their urge to dig.


Digging can be a frustrating behavior for pet owners, but it is possible to stop a dog from digging. It is important to understand why your pup is digging in the first place, as this will help you to determine the best course of action. Once you understand why your pup is digging, you can employ a range of strategies to stop them from digging, such as providing more stimulation, creating a designated digging area, using deterrents, and providing positive reinforcement. With patience and consistency, you can help your pup to stop their digging habits.

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