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English Cocker Spaniel Training: A Comprehensive Guide

Training an English Cocker Spaniel is a rewarding experience for both the owner and the dog. This guide will provide the most popular Google queries about English Cocker Spaniel training, from crate training to potty training and from basic commands to advanced obedience. With the right techniques and a lot of patience, your English Cocker Spaniel will grow into a well-mannered and obedient pup.

Crate Training

Crate training is a great way to help your English Cocker Spaniel learn to be independent and comfortable in their own space. It's important to start crate training as soon as possible, as it will help your dog become familiar with their crate and understand it as a safe and comfortable place. The key to successful crate training is to make the crate a pleasant experience. Start by placing treats and toys in the crate, so that your pup will associate the crate with positive experiences. Then, gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate and make sure to reward them with treats and praise when they enter the crate.

When your pup is comfortable with the crate, start closing the door for short periods of time. Make sure to provide enough stimulation, such as toys and treats, so that your pup won't become anxious or distressed. Once your pup is comfortable being in the crate with the door closed, you can start leaving the house for short periods of time. This will help your pup become accustomed to being left alone and will help reduce separation anxiety.

Potty Training

Potty training is an important part of English Cocker Spaniel training. It is important to start potty training as soon as possible, as it will help your pup become accustomed to going to the bathroom in the right places. The key to successful potty training is consistency and patience. Establish a potty routine and stick to it. Take your pup outside to the same spot each time and reward them with treats and praise when they go to the bathroom in the right place.

It is also important to clean up any accidents quickly and thoroughly. This will help your pup understand that going to the bathroom in the house is not acceptable and will help them learn to go to the bathroom in the right place. Be sure to use cleaners that are safe for both your pup and your home, as some cleaners can be toxic to pets.

Basic Commands

Teaching your English Cocker Spaniel basic commands is an important part of their training. The most important commands to teach your pup are sit, stay, come, and down. Teaching your pup these commands will help them understand what is expected of them and will help them learn to obey your commands.

Start by teaching your pup the sit command. Hold a treat in front of your pup's nose and move your hand slowly up and back, so that your pup's hind legs will lower. As soon as your pup is in the sitting position, say the command “sit” and give them the treat. Repeat this process several times until your pup understands the command and will obey it every time.

Once your pup has mastered the sit command, you can move on to the stay command. Start by having your pup sit, then hold your hand up in front of them and say “stay”. If your pup gets up, gently guide them back into the sitting position and repeat the command. If your pup stays, give them a treat and praise. Repeat this process several times until your pup understands the command and will stay when you say the command.

Advanced Obedience Training

Once your pup has mastered the basic commands, you can move on to advanced obedience training. Advanced obedience training will help your pup understand more complex commands and will help them become a well-behaved pup. Some of the commands you can teach your English Cocker Spaniel include:

  • Leave it – This command will teach your pup to ignore items that you don't want them to touch, such as food or toys.
  • Drop it – This command will teach your pup to release items from their mouth upon command.
  • Heel – This command will teach your pup to stay by your side when walking.
  • Off – This command will teach your pup to stay off of furniture and other items.

Advanced obedience training will take time and patience, but it is a great way to help your English Cocker Spaniel become a well-mannered pup. Be sure to use positive reinforcement when training your pup, as this will help them learn more quickly and will help create a strong bond between you and your pup.


Training an English Cocker Spaniel can be a rewarding experience for both the owner and the pup. With the right techniques and a lot of patience, your pup will grow into a well-mannered and obedient pup. This guide has provided the most popular Google queries about English Cocker Spaniel training, from crate training to potty training and from basic commands to advanced obedience. With the right training and a lot of love and attention, your English Cocker Spaniel will become a beloved member of your family.

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