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The Ultimate Guide to Harehound Training

Training a harehound can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. It requires patience, consistency, and dedication to ensure your harehound is learning the necessary skills to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. In this guide, we will provide you with all the essential information and tips you need to know about harehound training. From the basics of obedience training to advanced commands, you will learn how to effectively train your harehound and create a strong bond between the two of you.

Understanding Your Harehound’s Nature

Harehounds are intelligent and active dogs that require plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise to stay happy and healthy. This breed is known for its independent spirit, so it’s important to understand that your harehound may not always respond to commands right away. It’s important to be patient and consistent when training your harehound, and to use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors.

Getting Started with Training

Before you start training your harehound, it’s important to create a comfortable and safe space for them. Make sure you have a quiet area that is free from distractions, and that your harehound is comfortable and relaxed. This will help your harehound stay focused and better absorb the training.

The most important aspect of training is to ensure your harehound understands the commands. Use positive reinforcement such as treats and verbal praises to reward desired behaviors. This will help your harehound understand that they are being praised for doing the right thing. As your harehound progresses, you can reduce the treats and focus more on verbal praises.

Basic Obedience Training

Start with basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, come, and down. When teaching your harehound these commands, it’s important to be consistent and use the same word each time. Use treats and verbal praises to reward your harehound when they respond correctly. It’s also important to practice these commands regularly to ensure your harehound remembers them.

You can also start teaching your harehound basic commands such as walking on a leash, retrieving objects, and responding to their name. These commands are important for harehound training, as they will help your harehound understand you better and create a strong bond between the two of you.

Advanced Commands

Once your harehound has mastered the basic commands, you can start teaching them more advanced commands. These commands include:

  • Heel: This command will help your harehound understand how to walk beside you while on a leash.
  • Leave it: This command will help your harehound understand when to ignore an object or situation.
  • Drop it: This command will help your harehound understand when to let go of an object they are holding.
  • Go to bed: This command will help your harehound understand when it’s time to rest and relax.

These commands are important for harehound training, as they will help your harehound understand you better and create a strong bond between the two of you.


Socialization is an important part of harehound training. Socializing your harehound will help them become more comfortable and confident around other people and animals. You can start by introducing your harehound to other people and animals in a controlled environment, such as a dog park or pet store. You should also take your harehound on regular walks, as this will help them become more comfortable in new environments.

It’s also important to praise your harehound when they respond positively to new people and animals. This will help them understand that they are being praised for good behavior and will encourage them to continue to act in a positive manner.


Training a harehound can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. It requires patience, consistency, and dedication to ensure your harehound is learning the necessary skills to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. By understanding your harehound’s nature, starting with basic obedience training, teaching advanced commands, and socializing your harehound, you will be able to effectively train your harehound and create a strong bond between the two of you.

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