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How to Train Your Dog to Bring You Things?

Training your dog to bring you items on command can be a great way to build your connection with your pet. It can also come in handy if you ever need to find something quickly. In this article, we will explore the different steps you need to take to train your dog to bring you items on command.

Understand Your Dog’s Learning Style

Before you start the training process, it is important to understand your dog’s learning style. Some dogs may learn better with positive reinforcement, while others may respond better to negative reinforcement. You may need to experiment with different techniques to find the one that works best for your dog.

Once you have determined the best way to train your dog, you can begin the process of teaching them how to bring you items. It is important to note that this process can take time, so be patient and consistent with your instructions.

Teach Your Dog the "Fetch" Command

The first step in teaching your dog to bring you items is to teach them the “fetch” command. This is a simple command that you can use to get your dog to bring you items. To teach this command, start by showing your dog the item you want them to fetch. Then, say the “fetch” command and point to the item. Once your dog brings the item to you, reward them with a treat or praise.

It is important to practice this command regularly. You should also practice in different locations, as this will help your dog learn the command faster. Once your dog is able to reliably bring you items on command, you can move on to the next step.

Train Your Dog to Bring You Specific Items

Now that your dog is able to bring you items on command, you can start teaching them to bring you specific items. To do this, start by showing your dog the item that you want them to bring you. Then, give them the “fetch” command and point to the item. Once your dog brings the item to you, reward them with a treat or praise.

You should also practice this command in different locations. This will help your dog learn the command faster and will also help them remember the different items you want them to bring you.

Teach Your Dog to Find Items

Once your dog is able to bring you specific items on command, you can start teaching them to find items. To do this, start by giving your dog the “find” command and pointing to the area where the item is located. Then, once your dog finds the item, reward them with a treat or praise.

You should also practice this command in different locations. This will help your dog learn the command faster and will also help them remember the different items you want them to find for you.

Practice and Reward Your Dog

It is important to practice the commands regularly and reward your dog for their progress. This will help them learn the commands faster and will also help them remember the different items you want them to bring or find for you.

Rewarding your dog with treats or praise will also help them to stay motivated and will help to reinforce the commands. You should also make sure to give your dog plenty of breaks during the training process.


Training your dog to bring you things can be a great way to build your connection with your pet. It can also come in handy if you ever need to find something quickly. By following the steps outlined above, you can teach your dog to bring you items on command and to find items for you.

It is important to be patient and consistent when training your dog. You should also make sure to reward your dog for their progress and give them plenty of breaks. With a bit of practice, you can teach your dog to bring you items and find items for you.

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