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How to Train Your Dog to Walk Beside You

Training your dog to walk beside you is an important part of responsible pet ownership. It involves teaching your dog to stay close to you and not to pull on the leash. Fortunately, with a bit of patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can train your dog to walk beside you in no time. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Supplies

Before you start training, you will need to have the right supplies. You will need a leash, a collar or harness, and some treats.

  • Leash: When choosing a leash, make sure that it is the right length for your dog. You will also want to make sure it is comfortable for both you and your dog.
  • Collar or Harness: When choosing a collar or harness, make sure it fits your dog comfortably. It should be snug, but not too tight.
  • Treats:You will need some treats to reward your dog for good behavior. Choose something your dog loves, such as cheese, hot dogs, or peanut butter.

Step 2: Start Training in a Low-Distraction Environment

Once you have the necessary supplies, you will want to start the training in a low-distraction environment. This could be your backyard, a quiet park, or even your living room. The goal is to get your dog used to walking beside you without any distractions.

Step 3: Teach Your Dog to Walk Beside You

Once you have chosen a low-distraction environment, you can start teaching your dog to walk beside you. Start by having your dog sit beside you. Then, take a few steps forward and give your dog the command to “heel.” When your dog stays beside you, reward them with a treat.

If your dog starts to pull away, stop walking and have them sit again. Then, start walking again and give the command to “heel.” Repeat this process until your dog is able to stay beside you for several steps. When your dog is able to do this, reward them with a treat.

Step 4: Increase the Distractions

Once your dog is able to walk beside you in a low-distraction environment, you can start to increase the distractions. This could be taking your dog for a walk in a busy park, introducing a new toy, or having other people and dogs around.

When doing this, it is important to keep the same commands and rewards. If your dog starts to pull away, stop walking and have them sit again. Give the command to “heel” and reward them when they stay beside you. With enough repetition and positive reinforcement, your dog will eventually learn to stay beside you in any situation.

Step 5: Practice and Be Patient

Training your dog to walk beside you can take time and patience. It is important to be consistent and to reward your dog for good behavior. If your dog is having trouble staying beside you, take a break and try again later. With enough practice and positive reinforcement, your dog will eventually learn to walk beside you.


Training your dog to walk beside you is an important part of responsible pet ownership. With the right supplies, a low-distraction environment, and a bit of patience, you can train your dog to stay beside you in any situation. Just remember to be consistent and to reward your dog for good behavior.

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