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Effective Methods to Stop Dog Chewing and Prevent Mess

Dogs are natural chewers and it can be a challenge to stop them from chewing your furniture and other belongings. Fortunately, there are a few ways to train your dog to stop chewing and stop them from making a mess. In this article, we will discuss the most effective methods for how to stop a dog from chewing stuff and how to prevent them from doing it in the future.

Understand Your Dog's Chewing Habits

Before you can properly train your dog to stop chewing stuff, it’s important to understand why they are doing it in the first place. Some dogs chew due to boredom or anxiety, while others may do it out of curiosity or to relieve pain. Understanding the underlying cause of your dog’s chewing can help you better address the problem.

It’s also important to identify the items that your dog is chewing on. This can help you determine what items to keep away from your dog. If possible, try to find out why your dog is attracted to that particular item. This can help you better address the problem and find a solution.

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

One of the best ways to stop a dog from chewing stuff is to provide them with appropriate chew toys. This will give your dog an outlet for their chewing needs and discourage them from chewing on your furniture and other belongings. Make sure to provide a variety of chew toys, as this will help keep your dog from getting bored and help them stay occupied.

It’s also important to make sure that the chew toys you provide are safe for your dog. Look for toys that are made of durable materials and are designed specifically for dogs. Avoid toys with small parts that can be chewed off and swallowed, as these can be a choking hazard.

Keep Items Out of Reach

It’s also important to keep items that you don’t want your dog to chew out of reach. This includes furniture, shoes, and other belongings. If possible, try to keep items off the floor and out of reach of your dog. This will help discourage them from chewing on these items and help prevent them from making a mess.

If you have items that your dog is particularly attracted to, such as shoes or furniture, you can also try using a bitter spray or a deterrent spray. These sprays have a bitter taste that will discourage your dog from chewing on the item. You can also use furniture covers or shoe covers to keep your belongings safe from your dog.

Redirect Chewing Behavior

If your dog is already chewing on an item, it’s important to redirect their behavior. Immediately remove the item from your dog’s mouth and replace it with an appropriate chew toy. This will help your dog learn that chewing on appropriate items is acceptable, while chewing on inappropriate items is not.

It’s also important to provide your dog with positive reinforcement when they chew on appropriate items. Give them lots of praise and rewards when they chew on their toys, as this will help reinforce the desired behavior.

Discourage Chewing With Training

In addition to providing your dog with appropriate chew toys and redirecting their behavior, you can also discourage chewing with training. Teaching your dog the “leave it” command is a great way to discourage them from chewing on inappropriate items. You can also teach them to “drop it” when they have something in their mouth.

It’s important to be consistent with your training and to provide positive reinforcement when your dog follows the commands. With enough practice, your dog will learn to stop chewing on inappropriate items and will learn to focus on the appropriate chew toys.


It can be difficult to stop a dog from chewing stuff, but with the right approach it is possible. Start by understanding your dog’s chewing habits and providing them with appropriate chew toys. Then, keep items that you don’t want your dog to chew out of reach and use a bitter spray or deterrent spray if necessary. Finally, redirect your dog’s behavior and use training to discourage chewing on inappropriate items.

With patience and consistency, you can teach your dog to stop chewing stuff and help them focus on the appropriate chew toys. This will help keep your belongings safe and will help keep your home clean and mess-free.

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