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How to Teach Your Dog to Lay Down

Teaching your dog to lay down is an essential skill in canine obedience training. It is a relatively simple and straightforward command to teach, and it can be a great way to bond with your pup. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to teach your dog to lay down, as well as some tips and tricks to help make the process easier and more effective.

Step-by-Step Guide to Teaching Your Dog to Lay Down

Step 1: Start in a Calm Environment
Before you begin teaching your dog to lay down, make sure you’re in a quiet, comfortable space. This will help ensure that your pup is relaxed and focused, and will make the training process much easier.

Step 2: Lure Your Dog into Position
Once you’re in a calm environment, you can start teaching your pup to lay down. Hold a treat close to the ground and move it slowly away from your pup in a straight line. This will encourage them to move forward and into the lay down position.

Step 3: Reward Your Dog
As soon as your pup is in the lay down position, offer them the treat as a reward. Repeat this process several times until your pup begins to understand what you’re asking them to do.

Step 4: Use a Command
When your pup is comfortable with the lay down position, you can start to add a verbal command. As you move the treat away from your pup, say “lay down” in a clear, firm voice. Once your pup is in the position, offer them the treat and praise them.

Step 5: Practice Makes Perfect
Once your pup has mastered the lay down command, you can start to practice in new environments. Start with places that are familiar to your pup, and then gradually move to more challenging locations. Make sure to reward your pup with treats and praise each time they complete the command correctly.

Tips and Tricks for Training Your Dog to Lay Down

Be Patient and Consistent
It’s important to be patient and consistent when training your pup. If you’re not consistent with your commands and rewards, your pup may become confused and frustrated. Take your time and be consistent in your training methods.

Use High Value Treats
When teaching your pup to lay down, make sure to use treats that your pup finds highly rewarding. This will help keep them motivated and focused on the task at hand.

Break it Down into Small Steps
If your pup is having trouble understanding the command, break it down into smaller steps. Start by teaching them to sit and then progress to the lay down position. This will make the process much easier for them to understand.

Be Positive and Encouraging
When teaching your pup to lay down, make sure to use positive reinforcement. Praise them when they do something right, and use treats as rewards. This will help keep them motivated and will make the process much more enjoyable for both of you.


Teaching your pup to lay down is an important part of canine obedience training. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily teach your pup to lay down. Remember to be patient and consistent, use high-value treats, break it down into small steps, and be positive and encouraging. With a little bit of practice and patience, you will soon have a pup that can lay down on command.

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