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How to Stop a Dog from Licking You

It can be a nuisance when a dog licks you, especially if it is a frequent behaviour. Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques you can use to stop a dog from licking you. These include redirecting their attention, discouraging the behaviour, and using positive reinforcement. Read on to learn more about how to stop a dog from licking you.

Redirect Their Attention

One way to stop a dog from licking you is to redirect their attention away from you. If a dog is licking your hands or face, try to hold a toy or treat in front of them. This will distract the dog and encourage them to focus on the toy instead of licking you.

You can also try giving your dog commands, such as “sit” or “stay”. This will help to distract them and focus their attention on something else.

Discourage the Behaviour

If redirecting your dog’s attention does not work, you may need to take more direct action to discourage the behaviour. If your dog is licking you, say “no” firmly and push them away. This will help to communicate that the behaviour is not acceptable.

It is important to be consistent when discouraging the behaviour. If you allow your dog to lick you sometimes and not other times, they will not understand what is expected of them.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective way to train a dog and encourage desired behaviour. When your dog stops licking you, reward them with a treat or a toy. This will help them to understand that the behaviour is not acceptable, but that there are positive consequences for not licking you.

You can also use positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to focus on something else. For example, if your dog is licking your hands, hold a treat in your hand and give it to them when they stop licking. This will help them to understand that the desirable behaviour is to focus on the treat.


It can be difficult to stop a dog from licking you, but it is possible. Try redirecting their attention away from you, discouraging the behaviour, and using positive reinforcement. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog to understand that licking you is not acceptable behaviour.

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