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How to Get Your Dog to Go Outside: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting a dog to go outside can be a difficult task for any pet owner, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right techniques, you can train your pet to go outside and enjoy the outdoors. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get your dog to go outside, from initial training to advanced techniques.

Step One: Introducing Your Dog to the Outdoors

The first step in getting your dog to go outside is to introduce them to the outdoors. Start by bringing your pet to a safe and enclosed outdoor space, such as your backyard or a nearby park. Let your dog explore the area and become familiar with it. Make sure to use plenty of treats and positive reinforcement to encourage your pet to explore.

Once your dog is comfortable in the outdoor space, you can start to slowly increase the amount of time they spend outside. Begin by letting your pet stay in the outdoor space for short periods of time, gradually increasing the length over time.

Step Two: Establishing a Routine

The next step in getting your dog to go outside is to establish a routine. Choose a regular time of day for your pet to go outside, such as first thing in the morning or after dinner. Make sure to stick to the same time each day so that your dog can get used to the routine.

When it’s time to go outside, make sure to use a consistent cue, such as “go outside” or “let’s go for a walk.” This will help your pet to associate the phrase with going outside.

Step Three: Training Your Dog to Go Outside

Once your pet is familiar with the outdoors and has a regular routine, you can start training your dog to go outside. Begin by taking your pet to the outdoor space and using a cue to get them to go outside. If your pet doesn’t go outside, you can use treats or a toy to encourage them.

Once your pet goes outside, use plenty of positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise. This will help your pet to associate going outside with good things.

Step Four: Making Going Outside Fun

The key to getting your dog to go outside is to make it an enjoyable experience. Start by taking your pet on regular walks or to the park. Make sure to use plenty of treats and positive reinforcement to make the experience fun for your pet.

You can also try playing games in the outdoors, such as fetch or hide and seek. This will help to make the experience of going outside more fun for your pet.

Step Five: Advanced Training Techniques

Once your pet is comfortable going outside, you can start to use more advanced training techniques. One technique is to use a long line to give your pet more freedom to explore the outdoors. This can help to make the experience more enjoyable for your pet.

You can also try using an agility course or obstacle course to give your pet more mental and physical stimulation. This can help to keep your pet engaged and make going outside more fun.


Getting your dog to go outside can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, it doesn’t have to be. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can train your pet to go outside and enjoy the outdoors.

Remember to be patient and consistent with your training, and to use plenty of positive reinforcement. With the right techniques, you can get your dog to go outside and enjoy the outdoors.

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