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How to Stop a Puppy from Biting Your Hands

It's important to teach puppies not to bite, as this can lead to a lifetime of bad habits. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding why puppies bite and how to stop them from doing so. It also offers tips on how to prevent biting in the future and ensure that your puppy grows into a well-behaved and obedient dog.

Why Do Puppies Bite?

Puppies bite for many reasons, including play, exploration, teething and aggression. They may also bite if they are feeling uncomfortable or scared. When puppies are playing, they often use their mouths to explore their environment, which can lead to them biting your hands. During teething, puppies may also bite their owners as a way to relieve the pain of sore gums.

In some cases, puppies may also bite as a sign of aggression. This can be caused by fear or anxiety, and can be a sign that the puppy needs more training or socialisation. It's important to identify the cause of the biting behaviour in order to properly address it.

How to Stop a Puppy from Biting Your Hands

The most important thing to remember when trying to stop a puppy from biting your hands is to remain calm. If you become angry or frustrated, your puppy will sense this and may become more aggressive. Instead, remain calm and try the following tips to stop the biting behaviour:

  • Redirect the biting: When your puppy starts to bite, redirect their attention to a toy or chewable item. This will help them learn that biting is not an acceptable behaviour.
  • Reward good behaviour: When your puppy does not bite your hands, reward them with treats or praise. This will help them learn that not biting is a positive behaviour.
  • Ignore the behaviour: If your puppy continues to bite, try ignoring the behaviour. This will help them learn that biting does not get them the attention they are seeking.
  • Provide ample exercise: Puppies have a lot of energy and need plenty of exercise to help them burn off excess energy. Make sure your puppy is getting enough exercise every day to help prevent biting behaviour.
  • Teach commands: Teaching your puppy basic commands, such as sit and stay, can help them learn that biting is not acceptable behaviour. This will also help them learn to obey your commands and respect your authority.

Preventing Biting in the Future

Once your puppy has stopped biting your hands, you can take steps to prevent it from happening in the future. Here are some tips for preventing biting:

  • Provide plenty of toys and chewables: Giving your puppy plenty of toys and chewables will help them learn that biting is not an acceptable behaviour. It will also give them something to chew on when they are feeling teething pain.
  • Socialise your puppy: Socialising your puppy will help them become more comfortable around other people and animals. This will help prevent fear and anxiety-related biting behaviour.
  • Be consistent: It's important to be consistent when training your puppy. If you don't follow through with your commands, your puppy may become confused and not understand what is expected of them.
  • Train regularly: It's important to train your puppy regularly. This will help them learn to obey your commands and understand what behaviour is acceptable.

It's also important to remember that puppies are like children in the sense that they need to learn and be taught. Be patient and consistent with your puppy, and they will eventually learn that biting is not an acceptable behaviour.


Biting is a natural behaviour for puppies, but it can quickly become a problem if not addressed. By understanding why puppies bite and following the tips outlined in this article, you can help your puppy learn to stop biting your hands. With patience, consistency and plenty of rewards, you can help your puppy grow into a well-behaved and obedient dog.

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