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Crate Training Your Puppy on Their First Night: A Step-By-Step Guide

Getting a new puppy can be an exciting, but overwhelming experience. Crate training is an important part of responsible pet ownership and can help your puppy feel secure and comfortable in their new home. This guide will provide you with the essential steps for crate training your puppy on their first night.

Step 1: Get the Right Crate

The first step to crate training your puppy is to purchase the right crate. The crate should be just big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably. For puppies, it’s best to get a plastic or metal crate with a divider so you can adjust the size as your puppy grows. Make sure the crate is in a quiet area of your home and line it with a soft blanket or towel.

Step 2: Introduce Your Puppy to the Crate

The next step is to introduce your puppy to the crate. Place a few treats inside and let your puppy explore the crate. Don’t force them to go in, but rather let them get used to the crate at their own pace. Once your puppy is comfortable, start feeding them their meals inside the crate and leave the door open.

Step 3: Start Crate Training

Once your puppy is comfortable with their crate, you can begin the actual crate training. Start by closing the door for short periods of time, such as a few minutes at a time. Gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed until your puppy is comfortable with the crate for up to an hour. If your puppy begins to bark or whine, don’t let them out. Wait until they stop and then open the door.

Step 4: Crate Training on the First Night

On the first night, place your puppy in the crate with a few treats and a toy. Make sure to give them plenty of praise and love before closing the door. If your puppy cries or whines, wait until they stop before opening the door. Don’t give in to their demands or they will learn that crying will get them what they want. During the night, it’s important to take your puppy out to use the bathroom. Don’t forget to give them lots of praise and treats when they go outside.

Step 5: Continue Crate Training

In the following days and weeks, continue to crate train your puppy. Place them in their crate for short periods of time throughout the day. After each successful crate session, give them a treat and lots of praise. Also, make sure to take them out to use the bathroom regularly. With patience and consistency, your puppy will eventually become comfortable with the crate.

Step 6: Make Crate Time Fun

Crate training doesn’t have to be a dreaded experience for your puppy. Make crate time fun by giving them their favorite toy or a special treat. You can also play games with them in the crate, such as hide and seek. The goal is to make crate time a positive experience for your puppy.


Crate training your puppy on their first night will help them feel secure and comfortable in their new home. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can help your puppy become comfortable with the crate and make crate time a positive experience. With patience and consistency, your puppy will soon be a crate-trained pro.

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