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How to Make a Puppy Stop Crying

Dealing with a crying puppy can be a stressful experience. Fortunately, there are several ways to help a puppy stop crying. This article will provide an overview of the most effective methods to make a puppy stop crying, as well as offer tips for preventing the puppy from crying in the first place.

Identifying the Cause of the Crying

The first step in making a puppy stop crying is to identify the cause of the crying. Common causes of puppy crying include hunger, feeling cold, being scared or feeling lonely. If the crying is due to hunger, it can usually be solved by providing the puppy with food. If the puppy is feeling cold, a warm blanket may help. If the puppy is scared or feeling lonely, providing the puppy with a toy or cuddling can help to comfort them.

Creating a Routine

Creating a routine is a great way to help a puppy stop crying. By establishing a regular routine for eating, sleeping, and playing, puppies are more likely to feel safe and secure. This can help to reduce the amount of crying and ensure the puppy is getting the proper amount of sleep and nutrition. Additionally, having a regular routine can help to prevent the puppy from becoming bored or anxious.

Providing the Puppy with Comfort Items

Providing the puppy with items that make them feel safe and secure can help to reduce their crying. For example, giving the puppy a blanket or toy that smells like their mother can help to provide them with comfort. Additionally, providing the puppy with a kennel or crate can help them feel safe and secure when they are feeling scared or overwhelmed.

Ignoring the Crying

Sometimes, the best way to make a puppy stop crying is to ignore the crying. If the puppy is crying for attention, ignoring the crying can help to teach the puppy that crying does not result in getting what they want. However, it is important to ensure the puppy is not in any danger or discomfort before ignoring the crying.

Exercising with the Puppy

Exercising with the puppy can help to make them stop crying. Taking the puppy for regular walks or playing with them in the yard can help to reduce their stress and provide them with an outlet for their energy. Additionally, exercising with the puppy can help to strengthen the bond between the puppy and their owner.

Providing Positive Reinforcement

Providing positive reinforcement is a great way to make a puppy stop crying. When the puppy stops crying, it is important to reward them with treats or praise. This will help to reinforce the desired behavior and help the puppy learn that crying does not result in rewards.

Seeking Professional Help

If none of the above methods are successful in making a puppy stop crying, it is important to seek help from a professional. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can help to determine the underlying cause of the crying and provide advice on how to best address the problem.


Dealing with a crying puppy can be a difficult experience. However, by following the tips outlined in this article, it is possible to make a puppy stop crying. It is important to identify the cause of the crying, create a routine, provide comfort items, ignore the crying, exercise with the puppy, and provide positive reinforcement. If these methods are unsuccessful, it is important to seek help from a professional.

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