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How to Deal with a Crying Puppy at Night

Caring for a puppy can be a challenging experience especially at night. Puppies often cry at night due to separation anxiety, teething pain or simply because they need to go to the bathroom. While it can be difficult to deal with a crying puppy, there are ways to help them feel more comfortable and reduce the amount of crying. This article will discuss different strategies on how to deal with a crying puppy at night.

Understanding Why Puppies Cry

Puppies often cry at night due to separation anxiety. When puppies are taken away from their littermates, they experience a feeling of loneliness and fear. This can cause them to cry out in distress. Additionally, puppies can also cry due to teething pain. As puppies go through the teething process, they may experience discomfort and cry out in pain. Finally, puppies may also cry due to needing to go to the bathroom. Puppies have small bladders and may need to go to the bathroom during the night.

Creating a Comfortable Environment

The first step to helping your puppy feel more comfortable at night is to create a comfortable environment. This includes providing a warm and cozy bed with plenty of blankets and toys. Additionally, it is important to make sure the room is dark and quiet. This will help your puppy feel more secure and less likely to cry out in distress.

Providing Comfort

Another way to help your puppy feel more comfortable at night is to provide them with comfort. You can do this by petting and cuddling your puppy before bed. This will help them feel more secure and less likely to cry out in distress. Additionally, you can also give your puppy a special toy or blanket to help them feel more secure.

Establishing a Routine

Having a consistent routine is also important for helping your puppy feel more secure. This includes feeding them at the same time every night and taking them outside to go to the bathroom before bed. Additionally, you can also take your puppy for a walk before bed to help them get some exercise and tire them out. Having a consistent routine will help your puppy feel more secure and less likely to cry out in distress.

Ignoring the Crying

It is important to remember that it is ok to ignore your puppy's crying. Crying is a natural response to feeling scared or uncomfortable and your puppy will eventually learn that crying will not get them the attention they want. Ignoring the crying will also help your puppy learn to self-soothe and become less dependent on you.

Seeking Professional Help

If your puppy continues to cry at night despite your efforts, it is important to seek professional help. A veterinarian or animal behavior specialist can help you determine the cause of your puppy's crying and provide you with strategies for helping them feel more secure. Additionally, they can also recommend medication or supplements to help your puppy feel more relaxed.


Dealing with a crying puppy at night can be challenging, but it is important to remember that there are ways to help your puppy feel more comfortable and reduce the amount of crying. Creating a comfortable environment, providing comfort, establishing a routine and ignoring the crying are all strategies that can help your puppy feel more secure. If your puppy continues to cry despite your efforts, it is important to seek professional help.

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