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6 Week Puppy Training Schedule: The Ultimate Guide

Training your puppy is an important part of responsible pet ownership. A 6 week puppy training schedule is a great way to get your pup off to a good start. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to create a successful training plan for your pup. Read on to learn the basics of puppy training, the benefits of a 6 week schedule, and how to create your own plan.

Benefits of Puppy Training

Puppy training is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your pup's health and happiness. Training helps your pup learn appropriate behaviors, builds a strong bond between you and your pup, and can help prevent behavior problems in the future. A 6 week puppy training schedule is a great way to get your pup off to a good start and set them up for success.

Some of the benefits of puppy training include:

  • Reduced fear and anxiety
  • Improved socialization
  • Better communication and understanding between you and your pup
  • Reduced risk of behavior problems

Creating a 6 Week Puppy Training Schedule

Creating a 6 week puppy training schedule can help you and your pup get off to a good start. Here are some tips for creating an effective plan:

  • Set realistic goals - Start with achievable goals and build up as your pup progresses.
  • Make it fun - The more fun you make training, the more your pup will enjoy it.
  • Be consistent - Consistent practice is the key to success. Make sure you set aside time each day to work on training.
  • Be patient - Puppies learn at their own pace. Be patient and don't expect too much too soon.
  • Be positive - Positive reinforcement is the best way to get your pup to learn. Reward your pup with treats, verbal praise, and affection when they do something right.

Sample 6 Week Puppy Training Schedule

Here is a sample 6 week puppy training schedule that you can use as a starting point. Keep in mind that every pup is different and you may need to adjust the schedule to fit your pup's needs. You may also want to add additional activities or tasks as your pup progresses.

  • Week 1: Start with basic commands such as "sit" and "stay". Introduce basic potty training and crate training. Begin socializing your pup with other people and animals.
  • Week 2: Continue to work on basic commands and potty training. Begin teaching your pup to come when called and walk on a leash. Introduce more new people and animals.
  • Week 3: Work on recall and leash walking. Introduce more complex commands such as "leave it" and "drop it". Continue to socialize your pup.
  • Week 4: Work on more complex commands and behaviors. Start to introduce boundaries and rules. Continue to socialize your pup.
  • Week 5: Work on commands and behaviors. Introduce distractions and start to increase the difficulty of tasks. Continue to socialize your pup.
  • Week 6: Work on advanced commands and behaviors. Introduce new distractions. Continue to socialize your pup.


A 6 week puppy training schedule is a great way to get your pup off to a good start. Training your pup can help them learn appropriate behaviors, build a strong bond between you and your pup, and can help prevent behavior problems in the future. Use the tips and sample schedule provided in this guide to create a successful training plan for your pup.

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