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Potty Training Your 7 Week Old Puppy: A Comprehensive Guide

Potty training a puppy is a daunting task. It requires patience and consistency from the owner to ensure the puppy learns the desired behaviour. This guide will provide owners with the necessary steps to potty train their 7 week old puppy. From understanding the puppy's physical and mental capabilities, to creating a potty routine, this guide will cover all of the essential steps to potty train a 7 week old puppy.

Understand Your Puppy's Physical and Mental Capabilities

At 7 weeks old, puppies are still in the early stages of development. They are not yet physically capable of holding their bladder or bowel movements for long periods of time. Puppy's brains are also still developing, and they are not yet able to comprehend complex commands. Therefore, patience and understanding is needed when potty training your 7 week old puppy.

The average puppy can hold their bladder for one hour for every month of age, up to 8 hours. Therefore, a 7 week old puppy can hold their bladder for approximately one hour. In addition, puppies are most likely to need to go to the bathroom after eating, drinking, playing, sleeping, and during transitions.

Create a Potty Routine

Creating a potty routine is essential for potty training your 7 week old puppy. Puppies are creatures of habit, and they will learn quickly if they are given a consistent routine. Start by taking your puppy outside every two hours. This will help them to become accustomed to going to the bathroom in the same spot. Make sure to take them to the same spot each time, as they will learn to recognize the area as their designated potty spot.

In addition, make sure to reward your puppy with a treat or verbal praise each time they go to the bathroom in the designated spot. This will help them to associate going to the bathroom in the right spot with a positive experience. Finally, make sure to clean up any accidents in the house with an enzymatic cleaner. This will help to remove any lingering scent, which can attract your puppy back to the same spot.

Supervise Your Puppy

Supervising your puppy is essential for potty training success. Puppies are curious creatures and can get into trouble quickly. Therefore, it is important to supervise your puppy at all times. If you need to leave your puppy alone, make sure to put them in a safe area, such as a crate or exercise pen. This will help to prevent any accidents in the house.

When you are supervising your puppy, make sure to watch for any signs that they need to go to the bathroom. This can include sniffing the ground, circling, or squatting. If you notice any of these signs, quickly take your puppy outside to their designated potty spot.

Establish a Potty Cue

Establishing a potty cue is an important step in potty training your 7 week old puppy. A potty cue is a word or phrase that you use each time you take your puppy outside to go to the bathroom. This will help your puppy to learn the command and associate it with going to the bathroom. Common potty cues include “go potty”, “go outside”, or “go to the bathroom”.

When establishing a potty cue, it is important to use it consistently. Make sure to use the same phrase each time you take your puppy outside, and never use it in any other context. This will help your puppy to learn the command quickly and understand when it is time to go to the bathroom.

Be Patient and Consistent

Potty training a puppy requires patience and consistency. It is important to remember that your puppy is still in the early stages of development and will make mistakes. However, if you are patient and consistent with your potty training routine, your puppy will learn quickly.

It is also important to remember to never punish your puppy for accidents in the house. This will only make the process more difficult and can lead to behavioural issues. Instead, make sure to clean up the accident with an enzymatic cleaner and focus on rewarding your puppy for going to the bathroom in the right spot.


Potty training a 7 week old puppy can be a daunting task. It requires patience, consistency, and understanding from the owner. This guide provides owners with the necessary steps to potty train their 7 week old puppy. From understanding the puppy's physical and mental capabilities, to creating a potty routine, this guide covers all of the essential steps to potty train a 7 week old puppy. With patience and consistency, owners can successfully potty train their 7 week old puppy.

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