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How to Get a Puppy to Stop Digging: A Comprehensive Guide

Digging is a natural behaviour in dogs, but it can also be a nuisance. This comprehensive guide will help you understand why puppies dig, and how to get a puppy to stop digging. We’ll discuss several tips and tricks, from positive reinforcement to providing your pup with the right toys and activities. With the right tools, you can help your puppy learn to control their digging and be a better canine companion.

Understand Why Puppies Dig

The first step in getting a puppy to stop digging is to understand why puppies dig. Digging is actually a natural behaviour for dogs, especially when they are young. Puppies dig for a variety of reasons, including seeking attention, relieving boredom, and hiding food. Knowing why your puppy is digging can help you understand how to stop the behaviour.

In addition, some breeds are more prone to digging than others. Terriers, for example, are known for their digging behaviour. If your puppy is a terrier, it’s important to be extra vigilant in teaching them not to dig.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to get a puppy to stop digging. Whenever your puppy is not digging, reward them with treats or verbal praise. This will help your puppy understand that digging is not an acceptable behaviour, and that they will be rewarded for not digging.

It’s important to remember that positive reinforcement takes time and consistency. You may need to reward your puppy multiple times for the same behaviour before they understand. However, with enough patience and consistency, your puppy will eventually learn that digging is not an acceptable behaviour.

Provide Appropriate Toys and Activities

Another way to get a puppy to stop digging is to provide them with appropriate toys and activities. If your puppy is digging out of boredom, then providing them with toys and activities can help keep them occupied. Make sure the toys and activities are appropriate for your puppy’s age and size.

In addition, providing your puppy with a digging area can also help. Create a designated area in your yard where your puppy is allowed to dig. This will help them understand that digging is only allowed in certain areas.

Create a Digging Deterrent

Creating a digging deterrent is another way to get a puppy to stop digging. You can create a deterrent by sprinkling cayenne pepper or citrus peels in the areas where your puppy likes to dig. This will help make the area less appealing to your puppy, and will help discourage them from digging.

In addition, you can also create a physical barrier around the areas where your puppy likes to dig. This can be as simple as placing a fence around the area, or even covering the area with chicken wire. This will help keep your puppy away from the area, and will help discourage them from digging.

Supervise Your Puppy

Supervising your puppy is key to getting them to stop digging. Whenever your puppy is outside, make sure you are there to watch them. This will help you catch them in the act of digging, and will allow you to intervene and redirect their behaviour.

In addition, you should also make sure to provide plenty of exercise for your puppy. Exercise will help tire them out, and will help keep them from getting bored and digging.


Digging is a natural behaviour for puppies, but it can also be a nuisance. With the right tools and techniques, you can get your puppy to stop digging. Understanding why puppies dig is important, as is providing positive reinforcement and appropriate toys and activities. You can also create a digging deterrent and supervise your puppy when they are outside. With enough patience and consistency, you can help your puppy learn to control their digging and be a better canine companion.

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