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Why Do Dogs Eat Their Own Poop and How to Stop It

Dogs eating their own poop is a common behaviour that can be confusing and worrying for pet owners. This article will explore the reasons why dogs eat their own poop and what can be done to stop it.

What is Coprophagia?

Coprophagia is the scientific term for a dog eating their own poop. It is a common behaviour in puppies and older dogs, and can be caused by a variety of different factors.

Why Do Dogs Eat Their Own Poop?

There are several reasons why dogs may engage in coprophagia. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Nutrition: Dogs can eat their own poop in an effort to get more nutrition from their food. If their diet is lacking in certain nutrients, they may eat their own poop in an attempt to supplement it.
  • Anxiety: Dogs can also eat their own poop due to stress or anxiety. This behaviour is seen most commonly in puppies or in dogs who have been separated from their littermates too early.
  • Boredom: Dogs may also eat their own poop out of boredom or as a way to get attention. This behaviour is more common in dogs who are not given enough exercise or mental stimulation.

Preventing Dogs From Eating Their Own Poop

The best way to prevent a dog from eating their own poop is to take steps to address the underlying cause. If the behaviour is due to a nutritional deficiency, then it is important to ensure that the dog is getting a balanced diet. If the behaviour is due to stress or anxiety, then it is important to provide the dog with a safe and secure environment. If the behaviour is due to boredom, then it is important to ensure that the dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.

How to Stop a Dog From Eating Their Own Poop

If a dog is already engaging in coprophagia, then there are several steps that can be taken to stop the behaviour. These include:

  • Distraction: When a dog is about to eat their own poop, it is important to distract them with a toy or treat. This will help to break the cycle of the behaviour and prevent it from becoming a habit.
  • Clean Up: It is also important to clean up any poop immediately after it is produced. This will help to reduce the chances of the dog eating it.
  • Taste Deterrents: There are also taste deterrents that can be added to the dog's food to make their poop less appealing. These are usually products that contain garlic or capsicum, and can be purchased at most pet stores.


Dogs eating their own poop is a common behaviour that can be confusing and worrying for pet owners. There are several reasons why dogs may engage in coprophagia, such as nutrition, anxiety, and boredom. The best way to prevent this behaviour is to take steps to address the underlying cause. If the behaviour is already occurring, then there are several steps that can be taken to stop it, such as distraction, clean up, and taste deterrents.

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