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3 Minute Dog Training Games: Quick and Fun Activities

Are you looking for quick and fun activities to keep your dog entertained and help with their training? Do you need something that you can do in just 3 minutes? Look no further! This article will provide you with plenty of 3 minute dog training games that you can do with your pup.

Teach Your Dog Basic Commands

One of the most important aspects of dog training is teaching your dog basic commands. This can be done in 3 minutes or less and is a great way to get your pup to start learning and listening to you. Start by teaching them a simple command such as ‘sit' and reward them with a treat when they do it correctly. You can also use a clicker to reinforce the desired behaviour. With repetition and consistency, your pup will soon understand and obey the commands you give them.

Play Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a fun game that you can play with your pup in just 3 minutes. Start by having your pup sit or stay while you hide somewhere in the house. Once you are hidden, call their name and encourage them to come and find you. When they find you, reward them with a treat or a toy. This game will help your pup learn how to follow commands and stay focused on the task at hand.

Play Fetch

Playing fetch is another great way to keep your pup entertained and provide them with some exercise. Start by throwing a toy or a ball and encouraging your pup to fetch it. Once they bring it back, reward them with a treat and repeat the process. This game will also help your pup learn how to listen to your commands and stay focused.

Practice Trick Training

Trick training is a great way to help your pup learn new skills and keep them entertained. Start by teaching them a simple trick such as ‘sit' or ‘roll over' and reward them with a treat when they do it correctly. As they get better, you can start teaching them more advanced tricks. This is a great way to keep your pup engaged and keep their mind active.

Play Tug of War

Tug of war is a fun game that you can play with your pup in just 3 minutes. Start by getting a rope toy and encouraging your pup to tug on it with you. This game will help your pup learn how to stay focused and obey commands. Make sure to reward them with a treat when they do it correctly.

Engage in Nose Work

Nose work is an excellent way to keep your pup entertained and help them learn how to use their sense of smell. Start by hiding treats around the house and encouraging your pup to use their nose to find them. This game will help your pup stay focused and use their sense of smell to locate the treats. Once they find them, reward them with a treat or a toy.

Play Musical Chairs

Musical chairs is another great game that you can play with your pup in just 3 minutes. Start by setting up several chairs around the room and encouraging your pup to sit in one of them. When the music starts playing, move the chairs around and have your pup follow you. This game will help your pup learn how to focus and stay attentive to the task at hand.

Practice Recall Training

Recall training is an important skill that all dogs should learn. Start by teaching your pup to come when called and reward them with a treat when they do it correctly. This game will help your pup learn how to listen to your commands and stay focused on the task at hand.


These 3 minute dog training games are a great way to help your pup learn new skills and keep them entertained. All of these activities are quick and easy to do and will help your pup stay focused and attentive. So the next time you need to keep your pup entertained, try out one of these 3 minute dog training games!

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