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How to Stop a Dog from Being Food Aggressive

Food aggression in dogs can be a difficult behaviour to manage. Dogs that are food aggressive can become territorial and protective of their food and may even become aggressive when someone approaches them while they are eating. Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken to help stop a dog from being food aggressive. This article will provide an overview of how to stop a dog from being food aggressive, including tips on how to create a safe feeding environment and how to desensitise a dog to people and other animals around food.

Identifying the Cause of Food Aggression

Before attempting to stop a dog from being food aggressive, it is important to understand why the dog is displaying this behaviour. Food aggression can often be a sign of anxiety or fear. It can also be a result of a dog feeling threatened or uncertain. It is important to identify the root cause of the food aggression in order to find the best solution.

Common causes of food aggression can include:

  • The dog feeling threatened or uncertain
  • Anxiety or fear
  • Lack of proper socialisation
  • Reinforcement of the aggressive behaviour
  • Pain or discomfort

Creating a Safe Feeding Environment

Creating a safe and secure feeding environment is the first step in helping to stop a dog from being food aggressive. The following steps can help to create a secure and comfortable environment for the dog when they are eating:

  • Ensure the dog has their own space to eat in, such as a crate or separate area.
  • Remove any distractions such as toys or other animals that could distract the dog while they are eating.
  • Make sure the dog has easy access to their food and water bowls.
  • Never approach the dog while they are eating or move their food or water bowls.
  • Do not force the dog to share their food or water bowl with other animals.
  • Do not allow children to interact with the dog while they are eating.

Desensitising the Dog to People and Other Animals

Desensitising the dog to people and other animals is an important step in helping to stop a dog from being food aggressive. This can be done by gradually introducing the dog to people and other animals in a controlled and safe environment. It is important to ensure that the dog is comfortable and relaxed during the process.

Tips for desensitising a dog to people and other animals:

  • Start by introducing the dog to people and other animals in a quiet, low-stress environment.
  • Allow the dog to become comfortable with the people and animals before introducing them to their food.
  • Allow the dog to eat in the presence of other animals and people, but make sure they are not too close.
  • Do not force the dog to interact with people or other animals.
  • Reward the dog with treats or praise for good behaviour.
  • Do not punish or scold the dog for any aggressive behaviour.

Training the Dog to be Non-Aggressive

Once the dog is comfortable in the presence of people and other animals, it is important to start training the dog to be non-aggressive. This can be done by teaching the dog to associate people and other animals with positive experiences. Positive reinforcement is the best way to help the dog learn that they do not need to be aggressive when someone is near their food.

Tips for training a dog to be non-aggressive:

  • Start by teaching the dog basic commands such as sit, stay and leave it.
  • Provide the dog with treats or praise when they obey the commands.
  • Reward the dog with treats or praise when they are calm and non-aggressive in the presence of people and other animals.
  • Do not reward the dog for any aggressive behaviour.
  • Do not force the dog to interact with people or other animals.
  • Do not punish or scold the dog for any aggressive behaviour.


Food aggression in dogs can be a difficult behaviour to manage, but with patience and consistent training, it is possible to help stop a dog from being food aggressive. It is important to identify the root cause of the food aggression and create a safe and secure environment for the dog when they are eating. Desensitising the dog to people and other animals and training the dog to be non-aggressive are also important steps in helping to stop a dog from being food aggressive. With the right approach, it is possible to help a dog become less food aggressive and create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.

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