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How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking at Neighbors

Dogs barking at neighbors can be a nuisance and a source of conflict between you and your neighbors. Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to reduce your dog’s barking and help create a peaceful environment for all. This article will help you understand why your dog may be barking and provide tips on how to get your dog to stop barking at neighbors.

Why Does My Dog Bark at Neighbors?

Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, and it is important to understand why your dog is barking in order to address the issue. Common reasons why dogs bark at neighbors include:

  • Territoriality: Dogs may bark at neighbors as a form of territorial behavior. They may feel that their territory is being threatened or that the neighbor is encroaching on their space.
  • Boredom: Dogs that are bored may bark at neighbors out of frustration or to get attention.
  • Fear: Dogs may bark out of fear if they feel threatened by the presence of a neighbor.
  • Separation Anxiety: Dogs may bark at neighbors if they are suffering from separation anxiety and are trying to get attention.

How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking at Neighbors

Once you understand why your dog is barking, you can take steps to address the issue. The following tips can help you get your dog to stop barking at neighbors:

  • Provide Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Dogs that are bored or lack exercise are more likely to bark at neighbors. Make sure that your dog is getting enough physical and mental exercise. Take your dog for regular walks, play games, and provide puzzle toys to give them something to do.
  • Teach Commands: Teaching your dog basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come” can help you control their barking. When your dog starts to bark, give them the command to stop and reward them for complying.
  • Desensitize Your Dog: If your dog is barking out of fear or territoriality, you can desensitize them to the presence of neighbors by gradually exposing them to the situation. Start by having the neighbor come to your house, then gradually increase the distance until your dog is comfortable with their presence.
  • Use a Bark Collar: A bark collar is a device that emits a sound or vibration when your dog barks. This can help to train your dog to stop barking. Make sure to use the collar in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Address Separation Anxiety: If your dog is barking due to separation anxiety, you can take steps to address this issue. Make sure that your dog is getting enough attention, provide them with toys and treats when you leave, and make sure that they have a safe and comfortable place to stay while you are away.


Dogs barking at neighbors can be a nuisance and a source of conflict. Fortunately, there are several steps that you can take to reduce your dog’s barking and help create a peaceful environment for all. Understanding why your dog is barking is the first step. From there, you can use the tips above to help get your dog to stop barking at neighbors.

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