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A Comprehensive Guide to Bedlington Terrier Training

Bedlington Terriers are smart and loyal dogs, making them popular pets. But, like all canines, they need proper training to be obedient and well-mannered. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Bedlington Terrier training, from the basics to advanced techniques.

Getting Started with Bedlington Terrier Training

Before starting any type of training with your Bedlington Terrier, it is important to establish the right environment. This means providing a safe and comfortable space for your dog to learn, as well as making sure they have plenty of toys, treats, and other distractions.

The next step is to create a schedule for training. This should include regular sessions of at least 10 minutes each, and should include a mix of basic obedience commands and more advanced tricks. It is also important to keep the sessions positive and reward-based to keep your dog motivated.

It is also important to remember that Bedlington Terriers are sensitive and can become stressed easily, so it is important to keep the sessions short and fun.

Basic Bedlington Terrier Training Commands

Once you have established the right environment and created a schedule for training, you can start teaching your dog basic commands. The most common commands for Bedlington Terriers are:

  • Sit: This is one of the most basic commands and can be taught easily by holding a treat in front of your dog's nose and moving it up and back until they sit.
  • Stay: This command is used to teach your dog to stay in one spot. Start by giving the command and then gradually increase the distance between you and your dog.
  • Come: This command is used to call your dog back to you. Start by standing a few feet away from your dog and calling them. Once they come to you, reward them with a treat.
  • Down: This command is used to teach your dog to lie down. Start by holding a treat in front of your dog's nose and then slowly move it down to the floor. When your dog lies down, reward them with the treat.
  • Leave it: This command is used to teach your dog to ignore distractions. Start by showing your dog a treat and then telling them to leave it. If they ignore the treat, reward them with a different one.

Advanced Bedlington Terrier Training

Once your dog has mastered the basics, you can start teaching them more advanced commands. These include:

  • Fetch: This command is used to teach your dog to retrieve objects. Start by showing your dog a toy and then throwing it a short distance. When they bring it back to you, reward them with a treat.
  • Roll over: This command is used to teach your dog to roll over on command. Start by giving the command and then gently guiding your dog into the roll over position. When they complete the command, reward them with a treat.
  • Speak: This command is used to teach your dog to bark on command. Start by saying the command and then making a noise that will encourage your dog to bark. When they bark, reward them with a treat.
  • Heel: This command is used to teach your dog to walk alongside you. Start by walking a few steps and then rewarding your dog when they stay close to you. Gradually increase the distance and reward them for staying close.
  • Shake: This command is used to teach your dog to shake hands on command. Start by holding out your hand and then rewarding your dog when they put their paw in it. Gradually increase the duration of the shake and reward them for doing it.

Tips and Tricks for Bedlington Terrier Training

Training your Bedlington Terrier can be challenging, but there are some tips and tricks that can help make the process easier:

  • Be patient: Training your dog takes time and patience. It is important to remember that your dog is learning and not to get frustrated if they don't get it right away.
  • Be consistent: It is important to be consistent with your training. This means using the same commands and rewards each time and not giving up if your dog doesn't get it right away.
  • Be positive: Positive reinforcement is key when it comes to training your Bedlington Terrier. Reward your dog for good behaviour and avoid punishing them for bad behaviour.
  • Be creative: Bedlington Terriers are smart and can get bored easily, so it is important to keep the training sessions interesting. Try using different toys and treats to keep them engaged.
  • Be firm: Bedlington Terriers are stubborn, so it is important to be firm but fair when training them. Make sure you set clear boundaries and don't give in to demands.


Bedlington Terriers are intelligent and loyal dogs that make great pets. However, they need proper training to be obedient and well-mannered. This article provides a comprehensive guide to Bedlington Terrier training, from the basics to more advanced techniques. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can train your Bedlington Terrier to be a well-behaved and loyal companion.

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