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Understanding Dog Nipping: A Complete Guide

Nipping is one of the most common behavioural issues in dogs. It’s a normal behaviour in puppies, but can become an issue when dogs continue to nip as they get older. It’s important to understand why dogs nip and how to stop it. This guide explains why dogs nip, how to stop it and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

What is Dog Nipping?

Dog nipping is when a dog bites or nips at people, objects or other animals. It’s usually done with the dog’s mouth closed, but can sometimes involve the dog’s teeth. Dog nipping is a normal behaviour for puppies and can be a sign of playfulness or excitement. However, as dogs get older, nipping can become an issue if not addressed early.

Why Do Dogs Nip?

Dogs nip for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Playfulness: Dogs often nip when they’re feeling playful. This is especially common in puppies, who use nipping as a way to explore the world and interact with people and other animals.
  • Fear: Dogs may nip when they’re feeling scared or threatened. This is a way for them to protect themselves from perceived danger.
  • Anxiety: Dogs may nip when they’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as loud noises, unfamiliar people, or other animals.
  • Excitement: Dogs may nip when they’re feeling excited. This is often seen when dogs are greeting people or other animals.

How to Stop Dog Nipping

The most important thing when it comes to stopping dog nipping is to remain calm and assertive. Yelling at the dog or punishing them will only make the problem worse. Here are some tips for how to stop dog nipping:

  • Redirect the behaviour: If the dog is nipping out of excitement, try to redirect their attention to a toy or treat. This will help to distract them from the behaviour.
  • Teach the “Leave It” command: Teaching the “Leave It” command can be helpful for stopping the dog from nipping. When the dog starts to nip, use the command and offer a treat as a reward for following it. This will help the dog to learn that nipping is not acceptable behaviour.
  • Stay calm: It’s important to remain calm when dealing with nipping. Yelling or punishing the dog will only make them more anxious and may lead to more nipping in the future.
  • Provide plenty of exercise: Exercise is an important part of managing nipping behaviour. Make sure the dog is getting enough physical and mental stimulation every day. This will help to reduce boredom, which can lead to nipping.

How to Prevent Dog Nipping

The best way to prevent dog nipping is to start teaching the dog appropriate behaviour from a young age. Here are some tips for preventing nipping:

  • Socialise the dog: Socialising the dog from a young age is important for preventing nipping behaviour. This will help the dog to become comfortable around people and other animals, which can help to reduce nipping.
  • Provide plenty of exercise: Exercise is an important part of preventing nipping. Make sure the dog is getting enough physical and mental stimulation every day. This will help to reduce boredom, which can lead to nipping.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is an important part of teaching the dog appropriate behaviour. When the dog is behaving well, reward them with treats or praise. This will help the dog to understand that nipping is not acceptable behaviour.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to preventing nipping. Make sure everyone in the household is using the same methods for teaching the dog appropriate behaviour.


Nipping is a common behavioural issue in dogs, but it can be managed with the right approach. It’s important to understand why dogs nip and how to stop it. The best way to prevent nipping is to start teaching the dog appropriate behaviour from a young age. This guide has provided an overview of why dogs nip, how to stop it and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

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