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The Ultimate Guide to Bullmastiff Training

Bullmastiffs are loyal, strong and powerful dogs that require proper training to become great companions. This guide will provide you with all the essential information to help you train your Bullmastiff effectively. We will cover topics such as the ideal training environment, the importance of positive reinforcement, and the best Bullmastiff training exercises. Read on to learn how to train your Bullmastiff properly.

Creating the Ideal Training Environment

Before you start training your Bullmastiff, it is important to create the ideal environment for it. Make sure that you have a comfortable and quiet place where your Bullmastiff can focus and learn. Ensure that the area you choose is free from distractions such as other pets, children, and loud noises. Also, make sure that you have all the necessary training tools and supplies such as treats, toys, and a leash.

The Importance of Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is one of the most important aspects of Bullmastiff training. Whenever your Bullmastiff does something that you want it to do, reward it with treats, toys, or verbal praise. This will reinforce the behavior and make it easier for your Bullmastiff to remember it. Avoid punishing your Bullmastiff as this can cause fear and anxiety and lead to further behavioral issues.

Bullmastiff Training Exercises

Once you have created the ideal training environment and understand the importance of positive reinforcement, you can start teaching your Bullmastiff some basic commands. Here are some of the most important Bullmastiff training exercises:

  • Sit: The sit command is one of the most basic commands and is fairly easy to teach. Hold a treat in front of your Bullmastiff's nose and slowly raise it over its head. This should make your Bullmastiff sit down. Once it does, reward it with the treat and verbal praise.
  • Stay: The stay command is a bit more challenging than the sit command as it requires your Bullmastiff to remain in the same position for a longer period of time. Start by having your Bullmastiff sit and then tell it to stay. If it stays, reward it with a treat and verbal praise. Repeat the exercise until your Bullmastiff understands the command.
  • Come: The come command is essential for keeping your Bullmastiff safe and under control. Start by having your Bullmastiff sit and stay. Then, call its name and give the come command. When it comes to you, reward it with a treat and verbal praise. Repeat the exercise until your Bullmastiff understands the command.
  • Leave it: This command is important for teaching your Bullmastiff not to touch or take things that it shouldn't. Place an item on the floor and tell your Bullmastiff to “leave it”. If it doesn't touch the item, reward it with a treat and verbal praise. Repeat the exercise until your Bullmastiff understands the command.
  • Heel: The heel command is important for teaching your Bullmastiff to walk beside you without pulling on the leash. Start by having your Bullmastiff sit and stay. Then, take a few steps and give the heel command. When your Bullmastiff walks beside you, reward it with a treat and verbal praise. Repeat the exercise until your Bullmastiff understands the command.

Socialising Your Bullmastiff

Socialising your Bullmastiff is an important part of training. Take your Bullmastiff to different places such as parks and dog-friendly establishments to get it used to different people and situations. Make sure to reward it with treats and verbal praise whenever it behaves properly. This will help your Bullmastiff become more confident and better behaved.


Bullmastiff training is an important part of owning one of these loyal and powerful dogs. With the right environment and positive reinforcement, you can train your Bullmastiff to become a well-behaved and obedient pet. This guide has provided you with essential information on Bullmastiff training, from creating the ideal environment to teaching basic commands. We have also discussed the importance of socialising your Bullmastiff. With patience and consistency, you can train your Bullmastiff to be a great companion.

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