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Crate Training At 8 Weeks: A Comprehensive Guide

Crate training is an important part of raising a puppy. Starting at 8 weeks, puppies can begin to learn how to behave in a crate, which can help to prevent destructive behaviour, provide a safe place for them to relax, and establish a routine. This guide will provide all the information needed to successfully crate train a puppy at 8 weeks old.

What Is Crate Training?

Crate training is a technique used to help puppies become accustomed to their environment and to help them learn to be comfortable when confined, such as when traveling or when left alone at home. It involves using a crate, which is a small, enclosed space, to help the puppy feel safe and secure.

The crate should be comfortable and inviting, and puppies should be rewarded for entering it and for remaining in it for longer periods of time. The crate can also be used to help teach the puppy basic commands, such as “come” and “stay”, as well as to help with potty training.

Why Crate Train At 8 Weeks?

Eight weeks is the ideal age to begin crate training a puppy. At this age, puppies are still growing and learning, and they need to be taught how to behave and how to be comfortable in their crate. Additionally, crate training can help to prevent destructive behaviour, such as chewing and digging, as well as providing a safe place for them to relax and sleep.

Crate training at 8 weeks also helps to establish a routine and a sense of order, which can help puppies to feel secure and to understand their boundaries. It also helps to prevent separation anxiety and can help puppies to feel less stressed when left alone.

How To Crate Train At 8 Weeks

To successfully crate train a puppy at 8 weeks old, it’s important to follow these steps:

  • Choose the right size crate: Puppies grow quickly, so it’s important to choose a crate that is large enough for them to move around in but not so large that they can use one end as a bathroom.
  • Make it inviting: Place a comfortable blanket or bed in the crate and add some of the puppy’s favourite toys.
  • Introduce the crate: Place the crate in an area of the home that is often used and allow the puppy to explore it. Praise them for entering the crate and reward them with treats.
  • Create a routine: Once the puppy is comfortable entering the crate, create a routine that includes regular crate time. This can be done throughout the day, but it’s important to ensure that the puppy has plenty of time to play and exercise as well.
  • Increase time in the crate: Over time, gradually increase the amount of time the puppy spends in the crate. Start with short periods of time, such as 10 minutes, and gradually increase it to one hour or longer.
  • Ignore whining: Puppies may whine when first placed in the crate. It’s important to ignore this behaviour and to wait until they are quiet before rewarding them. This will help to reinforce the idea that whining does not result in getting out of the crate.

Benefits Of Crate Training At 8 Weeks

Crate training a puppy at 8 weeks old can provide many benefits, including:

  • Prevent destructive behaviour: Crate training can help to prevent destructive behaviour, such as chewing and digging, as puppies learn to understand their boundaries and to respect their environment.
  • Provide a safe place to relax: The crate can be used as a safe place for the puppy to relax and to escape from stressful situations.
  • Establish a routine: Crate training can help to establish a routine, which can help puppies to feel secure and to understand their boundaries.
  • Prevent separation anxiety: Crate training can help to prevent separation anxiety, as puppies learn to be comfortable when left alone.
  • Help with potty training: The crate can be used to help with potty training, as puppies learn to hold their bladder and to control their bowels when in the crate.


Crate training a puppy at 8 weeks old can provide many benefits, such as helping to prevent destructive behaviour, providing a safe place for them to relax, and helping to establish a routine. By following the steps outlined above, crate training a puppy at 8 weeks old can be successful.

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