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How to Crate Train a Chihuahua: A Comprehensive Guide

Crate training is an essential part of a Chihuahua’s development and a great way to show your puppy love and attention. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to successfully crate train your Chihuahua, including advice on crate selection, the correct training methods, and tips for dealing with common issues.

Choosing the Right Crate

When crate training your Chihuahua, the first step is to find the right crate. You’ll want to pick a crate that is the right size for your Chihuahua; it should be big enough for them to stand up, turn around, and stretch out, but not so big that they feel overwhelmed. You’ll also want to choose a crate that is comfortable and secure, with a sturdy bottom and plenty of ventilation.

Introducing Your Chihuahua to the Crate

Once you’ve chosen the right crate, it’s time to introduce your Chihuahua to it. Start by letting your Chihuahua explore the crate on their own terms; leave the door open and encourage them to go inside. You can also encourage them to explore the crate by placing their favourite toys and treats inside. Once your Chihuahua is comfortable in the crate, you can start to close the door.

When closing the door, make sure to do it slowly and gently. Keep an eye on your Chihuahua and, if they start to show signs of anxiety, open the door immediately. You should also give your Chihuahua plenty of praise and treats when they are in the crate, as this will help to reinforce positive behaviours.

Crate Training Your Chihuahua

Once your Chihuahua is comfortable in the crate, you can start to work on crate training. Start by leaving your Chihuahua in the crate for short periods of time, such as 10-15 minutes. As your Chihuahua gets more comfortable, you can increase the amount of time they are in the crate. Make sure to give your Chihuahua plenty of praise and treats when they are in the crate, as this will help to reinforce positive behaviours.

It’s also important to establish a regular routine when crate training your Chihuahua. This will help them to understand when it’s time to go in the crate and when it’s time to come out. You should also make sure to take your Chihuahua out of the crate regularly to go to the toilet and get some exercise.

Dealing with Common Issues

Crate training can be challenging, and there are some common issues you may encounter. If your Chihuahua is barking or whining in the crate, try to ignore them and wait for them to settle down. You can also try covering the crate with a blanket to help muffle the sound and make your Chihuahua feel more secure.

If your Chihuahua is having accidents in the crate, you may need to take them out more often. Make sure to take them out every few hours and take them straight outside to go to the toilet. You should also make sure that the crate is the right size for your Chihuahua and that it is comfortable and secure.


Crate training your Chihuahua is an important part of their development and a great way to show your puppy love and attention. With the right crate, the correct training methods, and patience, you can successfully crate train your Chihuahua. Remember to be consistent with your training and to give your Chihuahua plenty of praise and treats when they are in the crate.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose the right crate: Pick a crate that is the right size for your Chihuahua and is comfortable and secure.
  • Introduce your Chihuahua to the crate: Let your Chihuahua explore the crate on their own terms and encourage them to go inside by placing their favourite toys and treats inside.
  • Crate train your Chihuahua: Start by leaving your Chihuahua in the crate for short periods of time and increase the amount of time they are in the crate as they get more comfortable.
  • Dealing with common issues: If your Chihuahua is barking or whining in the crate, try to ignore them and wait for them to settle down. If they are having accidents in the crate, take them out more often and make sure the crate is the right size.

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