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How to Crate Train a Yorkie: Step-by-Step Guide

Crate training a Yorkie can be a challenging but rewarding experience. This guide will help you through the process of crate training your Yorkie, from preparing their crate to helping them adjust to their new home. With the right approach and patience, you can create a stress-free experience for your Yorkie and ensure that they feel safe and secure in their crate.

Preparing the Crate

The first step in crate training your Yorkie is to prepare their crate. Make sure to choose a crate that is the right size for your dog. A Yorkie should have enough room to stand, turn around, and lay down comfortably. Place a soft blanket or pad in the crate for your Yorkie to sleep on. You can also add a few toys for your Yorkie to play with.

You should also make sure that the crate is in a comfortable, quiet area. This will help your Yorkie feel safe and secure. Avoid placing the crate in a busy area, as this can cause your dog to become anxious.

Introducing Your Yorkie to the Crate

Once the crate is prepared, you can begin introducing your Yorkie to their new home. Start by placing treats or toys inside the crate. This will help your Yorkie associate the crate with positive experiences. You can also feed your Yorkie their meals inside the crate to encourage them to enter it.

If your Yorkie is hesitant to enter the crate, you can try placing a blanket or toy inside the crate that smells like you. This will help your Yorkie feel more secure. You can also place treats or toys just outside the crate, so that your Yorkie can get used to the idea of entering it.

Once your Yorkie is comfortable entering the crate, you can start to close the door for short periods of time. Start with just a few seconds and gradually increase the amount of time. You can also give your Yorkie treats or toys while they are in the crate to make the experience more enjoyable.

It is important to be patient and take your time during this process. If your Yorkie becomes anxious or fearful, take a step back and try again later.

Making the Crate a Positive Experience

Once your Yorkie is comfortable with the crate, it is important to make sure that they have positive experiences with it. This will help your Yorkie feel safe and secure in their crate. You can give your Yorkie treats or toys while they are in the crate to make it a more enjoyable experience.

You should also try to make the crate a place of rest and relaxation. Avoid letting your Yorkie out of the crate when they are barking or whining, as this can create an association between the crate and negative experiences. You can also provide your Yorkie with comfortable bedding, such as a soft blanket or pad, to make the crate a more inviting place.

Crate Training Tips

Crate training your Yorkie can be a challenging but rewarding experience. To make the process easier, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Be patient: Crate training can take some time, so it is important to be patient and take your time. If your Yorkie becomes anxious or fearful, take a step back and try again later.
  • Make it comfortable: Make sure to provide your Yorkie with comfortable bedding and toys to make the crate a more inviting place.
  • Reward good behavior: Give your Yorkie treats or toys while they are in the crate to make the experience more enjoyable.
  • Avoid punishment: Avoid punishing your Yorkie for going into the crate. This can create an association between the crate and negative experiences.


Crate training your Yorkie can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right approach and patience, you can create a stress-free experience for your Yorkie and ensure that they feel safe and secure in their crate. By preparing the crate, introducing your Yorkie to it, and making it a positive experience, you can help your Yorkie adjust to their new home and create a lasting bond.

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