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Does Neutering Stop Dogs from Marking?

Neutering is a common practice used to control the population of cats and dogs, as well as to reduce aggressive and territorial behaviour in both sexes. But does neutering stop dogs from marking? The answer is yes, neutering can help to reduce or even stop dogs from marking their territory. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why dogs mark their territory, the signs to look out for and how neutering can help to address this behaviour.

Why Do Dogs Mark Their Territory?

Dogs use scent marking as a way of claiming a particular area or object as their own. This behaviour is instinctual, and it's also a way of communicating with other dogs and animals. It's important to note that scent marking is not the same as urinating to relieve themselves. The latter is a normal behaviour, while scent marking is usually done in areas where other dogs have been, such as a park or a neighbour's backyard.

Dogs may also scent mark when they are feeling anxious or stressed. For example, if a new pet or person enters the home, the dog may feel threatened and will mark the area to make it clear that it's their territory.

Dogs may also scent mark when they are feeling anxious or stressed. This behaviour is usually seen in intact males, as they are more likely to feel territorial and want to protect their area from other dogs or animals.

Signs of Marking Behaviour

If your dog is scent marking, you may notice that they lift their leg and urinate on objects or in specific areas. They may also scratch the ground or leave their scent by rubbing their body against objects. Other signs of marking behaviour include excessive licking, sniffing, and tail wagging.

It's important to note that not all dogs will show the same signs of marking behaviour. Some dogs may lift their leg and urinate, while others may just sniff and lick the area. It's also important to remember that marking behaviour can be a sign of anxiety or stress, so it's best to observe your dog's behaviour to determine the cause.

How Can Neutering Help?

Neutering is a surgical procedure that involves removing a male dog's testicles, which reduces the amount of testosterone in their body. This can help to reduce or even stop marking behaviour, as testosterone is the hormone that triggers this instinctual behaviour.

Neutering can also reduce other forms of aggression and territorial behaviour, such as barking, growling, and biting. It can also help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and other diseases in your dog.

Neutering is a surgical procedure that involves removing a male dog's testicles, which reduces the amount of testosterone in their body. This can help to reduce or even stop marking behaviour, as testosterone is the hormone that triggers this instinctual behaviour.

When Should You Neuter Your Dog?

Neutering your dog is a personal decision that should be made with your veterinarian. Generally, it is recommended to neuter your dog between the ages of four and six months. However, if your dog is showing signs of marking behaviour, then it may be best to neuter them sooner.

It's also important to note that neutering is not a quick fix. It can take several weeks or months for the behaviour to change, so it's important to be patient and consistent with your training.


Neutering can help to reduce or even stop marking behaviour in dogs, as it reduces the amount of testosterone in their body. It's important to remember that neutering is not a quick fix, and it may take several weeks or months for the behaviour to change. It's also important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best time to neuter your dog.

If you have any questions or concerns about does neutering stop dogs from marking, then it's best to consult with your veterinarian for advice. They can help you to determine the best course of action for your pet.

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