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What to Do If Your Dog Keeps Running Away From You

If your dog keeps running away from you, it can be incredibly frustrating and even dangerous. Taking the right steps to address the issue can help you to keep your pet safe and happy. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the reasons why your dog might be running away, as well as how to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Why Is My Dog Running Away?

There are a number of potential causes of a dog running away. Some of the most common are:

  • Fear: A fearful dog may run away if they feel scared or threatened. This can be due to a traumatic experience, such as being attacked by another dog, or simply feeling overwhelmed by a loud, unfamiliar environment.
  • Boredom: If your dog doesn’t have enough stimulation or exercise, they may start to look for it elsewhere. This can manifest as running away in search of adventure, or simply to escape boredom.
  • Attention-Seeking: Some dogs may run away as a way of getting attention from their owners. This can be a sign of separation anxiety, or simply an indication that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise or mental stimulation.

It’s important to note that if your dog is running away, it’s not necessarily a sign of bad behaviour. It’s important to look for potential underlying causes, such as fear or boredom, so that you can address the issue in the most effective way.

How to Stop Your Dog Running Away

Once you’ve identified the underlying cause of your dog’s running away, you can start to take steps to prevent it from happening again. Some of the most effective strategies include:

  • Provide Adequate Exercise: Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and stimulation. This can include regular walks, playing fetch, and engaging in other activities. This will help to keep your dog fit and healthy, and reduce the risk of them running away in search of adventure.
  • Create a Safe Space: If your dog is running away due to fear, it’s important to create a safe space for them. This could be a quiet room in the house, or a secure garden area. This will help to reduce the risk of your dog feeling overwhelmed or scared and running away.
  • Train Your Dog: Training your dog will help to reduce the risk of them running away. Teaching your dog to obey basic commands such as ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ can help to keep them in one place and reduce the risk of them running away.
  • Socialise Your Dog: Socialising your dog with other animals and people can help to reduce the risk of them running away due to fear. This can include taking them to the dog park, or regularly introducing them to new people and animals.

Making sure that your dog is getting enough exercise, stimulation, and socialisation can help to reduce the risk of them running away. It’s also important to ensure that your dog has a safe space to retreat to if they feel overwhelmed or scared.

What to Do If Your Dog Keeps Running Away

If your dog keeps running away, it’s important to take steps to address the issue. Some of the most important steps include:

  • Secure Your Property: Make sure that your property is secure, with fences and gates that your dog can’t escape from. This will help to reduce the risk of your dog escaping and running away.
  • Identify Escape Routes: Look for potential areas in your property where your dog might be able to escape. This could be gaps in fences, or open gates. Taking steps to secure these areas will help to reduce the risk of your dog running away.
  • Use a Leash: If you’re taking your dog for a walk, make sure to use a leash. This will help to ensure that your dog stays close to you and doesn’t run away.
  • Use a GPS Tracker: If your dog keeps running away, it’s a good idea to invest in a GPS tracker. This will help you to locate your dog if they do escape, and make it easier to bring them home safely.

It’s also important to be aware of the laws in your area regarding lost pets. Make sure to check your local government website for more information, and contact your local animal shelter if your dog does run away.


If your dog keeps running away from you, it’s important to take steps to address the issue. Identifying the underlying cause of the behaviour is key, as this will help you to take the most effective steps to prevent it from happening again. Taking steps such as providing adequate exercise and socialisation, creating a safe space for your dog, and using a leash and GPS tracker can all help to prevent your dog from running away.

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