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Train Your Dog the 7 Most Common Commands

Training your dog can be a rewarding experience. Teaching your pup the 7 most common commands will help you to create a strong bond between you and your pet. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to train your dog the 7 most common commands, such as ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘down’, ‘come’, ‘leave it’, ‘take it’ and ‘drop it’. Read on to learn how to dog train 7 common commands.

What is Dog Training?

Dog training is the process of teaching your pup to obey commands, behave in a certain way, and follow directions. It is important to understand that training your dog is not a one-time event – it is an ongoing process. It takes time and patience to train your pup, but it will be worth it in the end. You will have a well-behaved pup that you can be proud of and have a strong bond with.

The Benefits of Dog Training

Dog training provides many benefits, such as:

  • A stronger bond between you and your pup. Training your pup will help you to create a stronger bond between you two.
  • Better behaviour. Training your pup will help him to behave better and be more obedient.
  • A safer environment. Training your pup will help him to understand what is acceptable behaviour and what is not, which will make your home a safer environment.

7 Common Dog Training Commands

The 7 most common commands that you should teach your pup are:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Come
  • Leave it
  • Take it
  • Drop it

How to Train Your Dog the 7 Most Common Commands

Training your pup the 7 most common commands is not difficult, but it does take patience and consistency. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to dog train 7 common commands:

1. Choose a Command

Choose one of the seven commands to start with. Make sure to choose a command that is easy for your pup to remember. For example, ‘sit’ is a great command to start with because it is easy for your pup to understand and remember.

2. Choose a Reward

Choose a reward that your pup loves. It could be a treat, a toy, or even verbal praise. Make sure to choose a reward that your pup will be motivated to work for.

3. Give the Command

Give the command in a clear, firm voice. Make sure to use the same command each time so your pup can easily recognize it. For example, if you are teaching your pup to ‘sit’, make sure to always say ‘sit’ and not ‘down’ or ‘stay’.

4. Show the Command

If your pup does not understand the command, show him what you want him to do. For example, if you are teaching your pup to ‘sit’, gently push his bottom down into a sitting position.

5. Give the Reward

Once your pup has done the command correctly, give him the reward. Make sure to give the reward immediately after your pup has completed the command, so he knows that he has done something right.

6. Repeat the Process

Repeat this process until your pup has mastered the command. It may take several repetitions before your pup understands the command, so be patient and consistent.

7. Move on to the Next Command

Once your pup has mastered one command, move on to the next command. Repeat the process until your pup has learned all seven commands.


Training your pup the 7 most common commands is an important part of being a responsible pet owner. It will help you to create a strong bond between you and your pup, and it will help to make your home a safer environment. Follow the steps outlined in this article and you will be able to easily dog train 7 common commands.

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