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Dog Training for 9 Month Olds: The Basics of Training Your Puppy

Training your puppy at the age of 9 months is essential for their development and behaviour. Dog training for 9 month olds should include the basics of obedience, potty training and learning commands. This article will provide an overview of the most important dog training tips for puppies at this age.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is one of the most important aspects of dog training for 9 month olds. This type of training will help your puppy to become more disciplined, learn commands, and understand the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Common commands to teach your puppy include: sit, stay, come, down, and heel. It is important to reward your puppy when they learn a command, as this will help reinforce the behaviour.

When training your puppy, it is important to remain consistent. This means that you should use the same commands and reward system throughout the training process. You should also be patient with your puppy, as this will help them to learn faster. Puppies can become easily distracted, so you should try to limit distractions when training.

Potty Training

Potty training is another important aspect of dog training for 9 month olds. This type of training will help your puppy to learn where they are allowed to go to the bathroom. The most effective way to potty train a puppy is to use crate training. This involves placing the puppy in a crate for a set amount of time, and then taking them outside to go to the bathroom. If your puppy does go to the bathroom outside, you should reward them with a treat.

It is also important to be consistent with potty training. You should take your puppy out to the same spot every time, and use the same command when you take them outside. You should also be patient with your puppy, as it takes time for them to learn where they are allowed to go to the bathroom.

Learning Commands

Learning commands is another important part of dog training for 9 month olds. This type of training will help your puppy to understand the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. Common commands to teach your puppy include: sit, stay, come, down, and heel. When teaching your puppy a command, it is important to use a positive reinforcement method. This means that you should reward your puppy when they learn a command, as this will help reinforce the behaviour.

It is also important to be consistent with command training. You should use the same commands and reward system throughout the training process. You should also be patient with your puppy, as this will help them to learn faster. Puppies can become easily distracted, so you should try to limit distractions when training.

Exercise and Socialisation

Exercise and socialisation are also important aspects of dog training for 9 month olds. This type of training will help your puppy to become more active and socialise with other dogs and people. You should take your puppy for regular walks and playtime with other puppies. It is also important to take your puppy to puppy classes, as this will help them to learn how to interact with other dogs and people.

You should also provide your puppy with plenty of mental stimulation. This can be done through interactive toys and puzzles, as well as providing your puppy with new experiences and environments. This will help to keep your puppy mentally stimulated and help them to learn faster.


Dog training for 9 month olds is an important part of your puppy's development. This type of training should include the basics of obedience, potty training and learning commands. It is important to remain consistent with your puppy's training, use a positive reinforcement method, and provide plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. By following these tips, you will be able to successfully train your puppy.

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