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Understanding Female Dog Marking: What You Need To Know

Female dog marking is an important behaviour to be aware of for all dog owners. It is a way for female dogs to communicate with each other, and it is important to know the signs so you can understand your pet better. This article will explain what female dog marking is, why it occurs, and how to handle it.

What is Female Dog Marking?

Female dog marking is a behaviour that is seen in female dogs when they are communicating with each other. This behaviour includes urinating on objects, walls, furniture, and other areas, as well as rubbing their faces on objects and people. It is similar to the marking behaviour seen in male dogs, but it is less common and less noticeable.

Female dog marking is a way for female canines to communicate with each other and it is important to know the signs so you can understand your pet better.

Why Does it Occur?

Female dogs mark to communicate with other dogs and to claim their territory. It is a way for them to let other dogs know that this is their area and that they are in charge. The female dog may also be marking to let other dogs know that she is in heat. This is a way for her to attract potential mates.

Female dogs mark to communicate with other dogs and to claim their territory. It is also a way for them to let other dogs know that she is in heat.

How to Handle Female Dog Marking

If your female dog is marking, it is important to take the following steps to help her stop the behaviour:

  • Neuter your female dog. This will help to reduce her hormones and help to reduce her desire to mark.
  • Clean the areas that she has marked. This will help to remove the scent and discourage her from marking again.
  • Provide her with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. This will help to keep her mind occupied and reduce her desire to mark.
  • Provide her with her own space. Make sure she has a place of her own that she can go to when she needs to feel safe and secure.
  • Train her using positive reinforcement. Reward her for good behaviour and ignore her when she is exhibiting bad behaviour.

If your female dog is marking, it is important to neuter her, clean the areas that she has marked, provide her with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, provide her with her own space, and train her using positive reinforcement.


Female dog marking is an important behaviour to be aware of as a dog owner. It is a way for female canines to communicate with each other, and it is important to know the signs so you can understand your pet better. If your female dog is exhibiting this behaviour, it is important to take steps to help her stop the behaviour, such as neutering her, cleaning the areas she has marked, providing her with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, providing her with her own space, and training her using positive reinforcement.

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