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Finnish Spitz Training: A Comprehensive Guide

Finnish Spitz is an intelligent and energetic breed of dog that requires regular and consistent training. This guide covers all the essential information to help you successfully train your Finnish Spitz, including tips on how to begin, common issues and solutions, and activities and games that can help with training.

Why Training is Important for Finnish Spitz

Training is an important part of responsible dog ownership and is essential for the safety, wellbeing and happiness of your Finnish Spitz. Training helps to ensure that your dog is obedient, well-mannered and a pleasure to be around, both for you and those around you. It also helps to provide structure and boundaries for your dog, which is important for their mental and emotional wellbeing.

It is important to start training your Finnish Spitz as soon as possible, as they are a smart and energetic breed and can become easily bored and restless if not given the proper stimulation. Regular and consistent training will help to ensure that your Finnish Spitz is well-behaved and obedient and can help to prevent any behavioural issues from developing.

How to Begin Training Your Finnish Spitz

Before beginning any training with your Finnish Spitz, it is important to ensure that they are healthy and do not have any underlying medical issues that may affect their ability to learn. It is also important to ensure that your Finnish Spitz is comfortable with their environment and surroundings, as this can have a significant impact on their ability to learn.

It is also important to ensure that you have the right equipment for training, such as a collar, lead, treats and toys. It is also important to ensure that you have a designated area for training, such as a garden or a quiet room in the house.

The most important step in training your Finnish Spitz is to ensure that you remain consistent. Training should be done in short bursts and should be fun and rewarding for your dog. Positive reinforcement is the best way to train your Finnish Spitz and should be used whenever possible.

Common Issues and Solutions

As with any breed of dog, Finnish Spitz can occasionally exhibit behaviour that is not desirable. It is important to remain patient and consistent when training your Finnish Spitz and to remember that all dogs learn at different rates. Here are some common issues and solutions when training your Finnish Spitz:

  • Pulling on the lead: This is a common issue with Finnish Spitz and can be solved by using a no-pull harness and rewarding your dog for walking on a loose lead.
  • Barking: Finnish Spitz are known for their barking and can quickly become a nuisance if not properly trained. The best way to address this issue is to distract your dog with a toy or a treat and reward them for remaining quiet.
  • Chewing: Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs, but it can quickly become a problem if not addressed. Provide your Finnish Spitz with plenty of chew toys and reward them for chewing on those instead of furniture or other items.
  • Jumping up: This is a common problem with Finnish Spitz, as they are an excitable breed. The best way to address this issue is to ignore your dog when they jump up and reward them for sitting or lying down.

Activities and Games for Training

In addition to basic obedience training, there are a number of activities and games that you can do with your Finnish Spitz to help with their training. Here are some of the most popular activities and games for Finnish Spitz training:

  • Agility: Agility is an activity that involves your Finnish Spitz navigating an obstacle course. This is a great way to exercise your dog and can help to improve their obedience and focus.
  • Hide and Seek: This is a fun game that involves hiding treats around the house and having your Finnish Spitz find them. This is a great way to keep your dog mentally stimulated and can help to improve their problem-solving skills.
  • Fetch: Fetch is a classic game that is great for exercising your Finnish Spitz and helping them to learn basic obedience commands such as ‘come’ and ‘sit’.
  • Trick Training: Trick training involves teaching your Finnish Spitz a variety of commands and cues. This is a great way to have fun with your dog and can help to improve their obedience and focus.


Finnish Spitz is an intelligent and energetic breed of dog that requires regular and consistent training. Training is an important part of responsible dog ownership and is essential for the safety, wellbeing and happiness of your Finnish Spitz. It is important to start training your Finnish Spitz as soon as possible and to remain consistent with your training methods. There are a number of activities and games that you can do with your Finnish Spitz to help with their training, such as agility, hide and seek, fetch and trick training.

With the right training methods and a little bit of patience, you can ensure that your Finnish Spitz is well-behaved and obedient and a pleasure to be around. Training your Finnish Spitz can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both you and your dog.

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