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Frengle Training: A Comprehensive Guide

Frengle training is a popular method of teaching pet dogs new behaviors. It uses positive reinforcement to encourage the dog to learn and respond quickly to commands. This article offers a comprehensive guide to Frengle training, including the benefits, the best practices, and the most common mistakes to avoid.

What is Frengle Training?

Frengle training is a type of positive reinforcement dog training that uses treats, toys, and verbal praise to reward desirable behaviors. This method of training is based on the principle that dogs learn best when they are rewarded for performing the desired behaviors. The goal of Frengle training is to teach the dog to respond quickly and reliably to commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel.

Benefits of Frengle Training

Frengle training offers many benefits for both the dog and the owner. Training helps to strengthen the bond between the two, as the owner is teaching the dog how to behave. It also helps to build the dog's confidence and trust in the owner. Additionally, it can help to reduce problem behaviors, such as barking, chewing, and jumping. Frengle training is also an effective way to teach the dog basic obedience commands.

Best Practices

When it comes to Frengle training, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. It's important to be consistent and patient, as it can take some time for the dog to learn and respond to commands. It's also important to be positive and encouraging, as this will help to build the dog's confidence. Rewards should be given for desired behaviors and corrections should be given for undesired behaviors. Additionally, it's important to keep training sessions short and fun.

Common Mistakes

Despite the benefits of Frengle training, there are a few common mistakes that can be made. One of the most common mistakes is using too much pressure or force when training the dog. This can cause the dog to become stressed and frustrated, which can lead to undesirable behaviors. Another mistake is using treats as the only reward, as this can cause the dog to become reliant on treats for motivation. It's also important to avoid punishing the dog, as this can lead to fear and aggression.


Frengle training is a popular and effective method of teaching pet dogs new behaviors. It uses positive reinforcement to encourage the dog to learn and respond quickly to commands. This article has offered a comprehensive guide to Frengle training, including the benefits, the best practices, and the most common mistakes to avoid. If you're looking to train your Frengle, keep these tips in mind for a successful and rewarding experience.

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