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Home Remedies to Stop Dogs From Chewing

Having a dog as a pet can be a great experience. But when your furry friend starts to chew on your furniture, it can be a nightmare. If you’re looking for some home remedies to stop your pup from chewing on your belongings, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll go through a few tips and tricks that can help you to keep your pup from chewing.

Provide Chew Toys

The most important step in keeping your pup from chewing on your belongings is to provide them with chew toys. Chew toys are designed to be chewed on and can help to keep your pup’s teeth and gums healthy. You can find a variety of chew toys at your local pet store. Make sure to choose toys that are made of durable materials and are appropriate for your pup’s size.

When you give your pup chew toys, make sure to praise them for chewing on their toys and not your belongings. This will help to reinforce the idea that chewing on their toys is acceptable, and chewing on your belongings is not. You can also give your pup treats when they chew on their toys to further reinforce this idea.

Discourage Chewing with Deterrents

If your pup is still chewing on your belongings, you can try using deterrents to discourage them from chewing. One of the most effective deterrents is bitter apple spray. This spray has a bitter taste that pups don’t like, so when they chew on your furniture or other items, they’ll be deterred by the taste. You can also try using a citrus spray, which has a similar effect.

Another deterrent you can use is double-sided tape. You can place strips of double-sided tape on the furniture and other items that you don’t want your pup to chew on. The sticky surface of the tape will deter your pup from chewing on the items.

You can also try using a noise deterrent, such as a can of coins or a whistle. When your pup starts to chew on something they shouldn’t, make a loud noise to startle them and discourage them from chewing. This can be an effective way to keep your pup from chewing on your belongings.

Offer Alternatives

If your pup is still having trouble resisting the urge to chew on your belongings, you can try offering them an alternative. When your pup starts to chew on something, offer them an appropriate chew toy instead. If your pup is chewing on your furniture, you can also try providing them with a scratching post or other appropriate item that they can chew on.

You can also try redirecting your pup’s attention to something else when they start to chew on something they shouldn’t. You can do this by playing with them or giving them a treat. This will help to keep them distracted and discourage them from chewing on your belongings.

Provide Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Chewing can be a sign that your pup is bored or has too much energy. To help keep your pup from chewing on your belongings, make sure to provide them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Take your pup for regular walks and play games with them to help keep them active and engaged.

You can also provide your pup with mental stimulation by giving them toys that require them to use their problem-solving skills. This can help to keep them from getting bored and can help to reduce their urge to chew on your belongings.


Chewing can be an annoying habit that pups can pick up, but it can be managed with some patience and effort. By providing chew toys, using deterrents, offering alternatives, and providing exercise and mental stimulation, you can help to discourage your pup from chewing on your belongings.

Home remedies to stop dogs from chewing can be effective in curbing this unwanted behaviour. With the right approach, you can help to keep your pup from chewing on your furniture and other items. With a bit of patience and a few simple steps, you can keep your pup from chewing on your belongings and make your home a happy and safe place for everyone.

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