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How to Stop Your Dog from Air Snapping

Air snapping is a behaviour when a dog snaps at the air, usually when he's stressed, startled or excited. If your dog is air snapping, you should take steps to correct the behaviour and help him feel more relaxed. This article will provide you with tips and advice to help you stop your dog from air snapping.

Understand the Reason for the Air Snapping

In order to effectively stop your dog from air snapping, it is important to understand why he is doing it. Air snapping can be caused by stress, fear, excitement or a combination of these things. If your dog is air snapping due to fear or stress, it is important to identify the source of his anxiety and work to reduce it. If the air snapping is caused by excitement, it is important to identify what is causing the excitement and work to reduce it. By understanding the reason for the air snapping, you can better address the behaviour and help your dog to overcome it.

Provide a Calm Environment

When your dog is air snapping, it is important to provide him with a calm and comfortable environment. This will help to reduce his stress and make it easier for him to calm down. Make sure that there is plenty of space for your dog to move around, as well as comfortable resting areas and toys. You should also try to limit the amount of people and animals that are in the same room as your dog, as this can be overwhelming and cause him to become agitated.

Distract Your Dog

When your dog is air snapping, it is important to distract him with something else. You can do this by providing him with a toy or treat, or by engaging him in a game or activity. This will help to take his focus away from the air snapping and allow him to relax. You should also be sure to reward your dog for calming down, as this will help to reinforce the behaviour and make it easier for him to remain calm.

Teach Your Dog Alternatives to Air Snapping

Once your dog has calmed down, you can start to teach him alternatives to air snapping. You can do this by teaching him commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come”. This will help to redirect his energy and provide him with an outlet for his excitement or stress. You should also provide your dog with plenty of praise and rewards when he follows your commands, as this will help to reinforce the behaviour.

Provide Regular Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation can help to reduce your dog’s stress levels and provide him with an outlet for his energy. Make sure that your dog is getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, as this will help to keep him healthy and mentally stimulated. You can also provide your dog with interactive toys and puzzles to keep him engaged and help him to stay calm.

Consult a Professional

If you are having difficulty stopping your dog from air snapping, it is important to consult a professional. A qualified behaviourist or trainer can provide you with tailored advice and help you to develop a plan to address your dog’s behaviour. They can also help to identify any underlying causes that may be contributing to the air snapping, such as anxiety or fear.


Air snapping is a behaviour that can be caused by stress, fear or excitement. In order to effectively stop your dog from air snapping, it is important to understand the reason for the behaviour and take steps to address it. This may include providing a calm environment, distracting your dog, teaching him alternatives to air snapping, providing regular exercise and mental stimulation, and consulting a professional. By following these tips, you can help your dog to overcome his air snapping behaviour and provide him with a happier and healthier life.

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