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How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Wood Furniture

Chewing furniture is a common problem among dog owners. It is a destructive habit that can cause damage to valuable wood furniture. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help stop your dog from chewing wood furniture. This article will provide tips and advice on how to prevent your dog from chewing wood furniture and how to manage the problem if it does occur.

Understand the Reasons Behind the Chewing

The first step in preventing your dog from chewing wood furniture is to understand why they are doing it in the first place. Dogs chew for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Boredom: Dogs will often chew furniture when they are bored and do not have enough stimulation.
  • Anxiety: Chewing can be a sign of anxiety or stress in some dogs.
  • Exploration: Chewing can also be a way for a dog to explore their environment.
  • Hunger: Some dogs will chew furniture if they are not getting enough food.

Understanding why your dog is chewing the furniture will help you to better address the issue.

Provide Alternatives to Chewing

Once you have identified the reason for the chewing, you can start to provide your dog with alternatives. If your dog is chewing due to boredom, make sure they have plenty of toys to play with. If they are chewing due to anxiety, provide them with calming aids such as music or a pet massage. If your dog is chewing due to hunger, make sure they are getting enough food.

You can also provide your dog with chew toys that are specifically designed for chewing. These toys are made from materials that are safe for dogs to chew on, and they provide an outlet for your dog's natural chewing instinct.

Discourage Chewing Through Training

In addition to providing alternatives, you can also use training to discourage your dog from chewing wood furniture. Start by teaching your dog the "leave it" command. This command will help them understand that they should not chew on furniture or other items. You can also train your dog to respond to a "no" command, which will let them know that their behaviour is not acceptable.

When your dog does chew on furniture, make sure to give them a verbal correction and then provide them with an alternative. If you catch them in the act, try to distract them with a toy or treat. This will help them learn that chewing on furniture is not acceptable behaviour.

Make the Furniture Unattractive to Chew On

Finally, you can make the furniture less attractive to your dog by using deterrents. There are sprays and gels available that can be applied to furniture to make it taste unpleasant to your dog. You can also use bitter apple spray or citrus-scented cleaners to make the furniture less appealing to chew on. If your dog is still tempted to chew, you can cover the furniture with plastic or fabric to make it less accessible.


Chewing wood furniture is a common problem for dog owners, but it can be prevented with the right approach. Start by understanding why your dog is chewing, and then provide them with alternatives. You can also use training and deterrents to make the furniture less attractive to chew on. With patience and consistency, you can help your dog learn to stop chewing wood furniture.

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