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How to Stop Your Dog from Eating Everything

Having a dog that eats everything can be a real issue, from your shoes to the garbage. It can be dangerous for your pup and a nuisance to you. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stop your dog from eating everything. In this article, we’ll discuss all the methods you can use to keep your pup from eating things they shouldn’t.

Supervise Your Dog

The best way to stop your dog from eating things they shouldn’t is to supervise them. Whenever your pup is out of their crate, keep an eye on them. If they start to sniff around or show interest in something they shouldn’t eat, intervene immediately. Use a stern “no” or “leave it” and offer them a toy or treat instead. This will help your pup learn that they should only eat things you give them.

If you can’t supervise your pup, be sure to keep them in a secure area, such as a crate or a gated room. This will prevent them from getting into things they shouldn’t.

Feed Your Dog Properly

Another way to stop your dog from eating everything is to make sure they are fed properly. Many dogs will eat anything they can find because they are hungry. Make sure you are feeding your pup the right food, in the right amounts, at the right times. If you are unsure of how much to feed your pup, consult your veterinarian.

You should also make sure your pup is getting enough exercise. A tired pup is less likely to be interested in eating things they shouldn’t. Try to get your pup out for a walk or play session at least once a day.

Make Unappetizing Items Unavailable

If your pup is eating things like shoes or other items, make sure those items are not available for them to eat. Put shoes away in closets or in a shoe rack. Keep garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and make sure the lids are fastened. Be sure to pick up after yourself, so your pup isn’t tempted by food that has been left out.

You should also keep your pup away from areas where they can easily access items that they shouldn’t eat. Block off areas of the house with baby gates or use a crate when you can’t supervise your pup.

Train Your Dog

Training is an important part of teaching your pup not to eat things they shouldn’t. You can teach them the “leave it” command, which will help them understand that they should not eat certain items. You can also use positive reinforcement to reward them for not eating things they shouldn’t.

You can also use obedience training to teach them to stay away from certain areas or items. For example, you can teach them to stay away from the garbage can or to stay out of certain rooms.

Give Your Dog Toys and Treats

Giving your pup toys and treats can help keep them from eating things they shouldn’t. Provide them with plenty of chew toys and give them treats when they obey commands. This will help keep them occupied and give them something else to focus on.

You can also give them food puzzles or treat-dispensing toys to keep them busy. This will help distract them from things they shouldn’t eat and give them something else to focus on.

Consult a Veterinarian or Trainer

If you are having trouble stopping your pup from eating everything, you may want to consult a veterinarian or a professional trainer. A veterinarian can help you determine if there is an underlying medical issue that is causing your pup to eat things they shouldn’t. A professional trainer can help you teach your pup the proper commands and behaviors.


Having a dog that eats everything can be a real issue. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to stop your pup from eating things they shouldn’t. Supervise your pup, feed them properly, make unappetizing items unavailable, train your pup, and give them toys and treats. If you are still having trouble, you may want to consult a veterinarian or a professional trainer. With the right steps, you can stop your pup from eating everything.

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