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How to Stop Your Dog From Marking: A Comprehensive Guide

Dogs mark as a way of communicating with other animals. If you want to stop your dog from marking, it is important to understand why they do it and how to prevent it. This comprehensive guide will provide you with useful tips and advice so you can stop your dog from marking and enjoy a healthy relationship with your pet.

Understanding Why Dogs Mark

Dogs mark by urinating on objects, walls and furniture as a way of communicating with other animals. Dogs have scent glands in their feet that release pheromones when they urinate. These pheromones tell other dogs that the area belongs to them and they are trying to claim it as their own. Marking is a natural behaviour, but it can become a problem if your dog is marking inside the home.

Preventing Your Dog from Marking

The best way to prevent your dog from marking is to keep them from becoming stressed and anxious. If your dog is feeling stressed, they may mark as a way to relieve their anxiety. To prevent this, make sure you give your dog plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. Take them for regular walks and play with them. Provide them with a comfortable and secure environment and make sure they have plenty of toys to play with.

It is also important to have a consistent routine for your dog. Make sure they get regular meals at the same time each day and have a designated area for them to sleep. This will help them feel secure and relaxed.

If your dog is already marking, it is important to clean the areas with an enzymatic cleaner designed to remove the scent of urine. This will help prevent your dog from returning to the same area to mark again.

Managing Your Dog's Urge to Mark

If your dog has a strong urge to mark, there are a few things you can do to help manage it. First, make sure you take your dog for regular walks and provide them with plenty of mental stimulation. If your dog is feeling anxious, try giving them a chew toy or interactive puzzle to help them relax.

You should also keep an eye on your dog when they are outside and look out for signs that they are about to mark. If you see them sniffing or squatting, take them away immediately and give them something else to do.

Finally, if your dog is still marking, you may need to consult a professional trainer or behaviourist for help. A trainer can help you identify the root cause of the problem and develop a plan to help your dog stop marking.


Marking is a normal behaviour for dogs, but it can become a problem if your dog is marking inside the home. To stop your dog from marking, it is important to understand why they do it and how to prevent it. This guide provides you with useful tips and advice so you can stop your dog from marking and enjoy a healthy relationship with your pet.

If you have tried the above methods and your dog is still marking, it is important to consult a professional trainer or behaviourist for help. They can help you identify the root cause of the problem and develop a plan to help your dog stop marking.

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