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How to Stop Your Dog from Picking Up Everything

Do you have a pup who loves to pick up anything and everything in sight? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we will provide tips and tricks on how to stop your dog from picking up everything. We will discuss the importance of providing an alternate activity, training techniques, and how to set boundaries. By the end of this article, you will have the tools needed to help your pup break the habit of picking up random objects.

Why is My Dog Picking Up Everything?

It is natural for a dog to pick up objects and explore their environment. However, it is important to teach your pup to differentiate between what is safe to pick up and what is not. If your pup is picking up items like sticks, stones, or other objects, it could be a sign that they are bored or seeking attention. It is important to provide your pup with an alternate activity to satisfy their curiosity.

In addition, if your pup is picking up items off the ground, it could be a sign that they are trying to protect you. Many dogs will pick up items to bring them to their owners as a sign of loyalty and affection. If this is the case, it is important to reward your pup with positive reinforcement when they bring you objects.

Provide an Alternate Activity

The most important step to take when trying to stop your pup from picking up everything is to provide an alternate activity. This could be a game of fetch, a toy to chew on, or even a long walk. By providing your pup with an alternate activity, you can help them break the habit of picking up random items.

For example, if your pup is picking up sticks, you can provide them with a rubber stick toy to chew on instead. This will give your pup something else to focus their attention on and help them break the habit of picking up random objects.

Training Techniques

In addition to providing an alternate activity, it is important to use positive reinforcement and reward-based training techniques. This could be in the form of treats, toys, or verbal praise.

For example, if your pup is picking up items off the ground, you can reward them with a treat when they drop the item. This will help your pup associate dropping the item with a reward, which will help them break the habit of picking up random objects.

You can also use verbal commands such as “leave it” or “drop it” to help your pup understand what you want them to do. It is important to reward your pup with a treat when they obey your command. This will help your pup understand that dropping the item is the desired behavior.

Set Boundaries

It is also important to set boundaries for your pup. This could be in the form of a physical barrier, such as a fence or gate, or verbal commands. If your pup is picking up items off the ground, it is important to set boundaries to ensure they know what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

For example, if your pup is picking up sticks, you can set a boundary by telling them “no sticks” or “leave it”. This will help your pup understand that picking up sticks is not acceptable behavior.

It is also important to set boundaries when it comes to playing with other dogs. If your pup is picking up items from other dogs, it is important to set boundaries to ensure they understand that this behavior is not acceptable. You can set a boundary by telling your pup “no” or “leave it” when they approach another dog’s toy or item.


It is important to take steps to stop your pup from picking up everything. By providing an alternate activity, using positive reinforcement and reward-based training techniques, and setting boundaries, you can help your pup break the habit of picking up random objects. With these tips and tricks, you will have the tools needed to help your pup become a well-behaved pup!

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