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How to Stop a Dog from Digging: Practical Tips

Dogs have a natural instinct to dig but this behaviour can become problematic if it starts to damage your garden or lawn. If your dog keeps digging up the soil and you’re looking for ways to put an end to it, you’re in the right place. This article covers practical tips that will help you to stop a dog from digging.

Understand the Reasons Behind the Behaviour

Before you start trying to stop your dog from digging, it’s important to understand why they’re doing it. Dogs dig for a variety of reasons and if you can identify the motivation behind the behaviour, you’ll be better placed to address it.

Boredom: Digging is a way for a dog to keep itself amused if it’s not getting enough exercise or mental stimulation. If your dog is digging because it’s bored, you should try to give it more attention and provide it with more activities.

Escape: If your dog is trying to escape from the garden, it may be because it’s not getting enough exercise or it’s feeling stressed. In this case, you should increase the amount of exercise it gets and look for ways to reduce its stress levels.

Hiding food: Burying food is a natural behaviour for dogs and they may be trying to hide food in your garden if they’re not getting enough of it. If you think this is the case, you should increase the amount of food you’re giving your dog.

Searching for prey: If your dog is digging up the soil in search of prey, it may be because it’s trying to hunt for small animals or insects. In this case, you should try to distract your dog when it starts digging and provide it with toys and other activities.

Provide an Alternative Digging Area

Providing your dog with an area where it can dig can be a good way to redirect the behaviour and prevent it from damaging your garden or lawn. You can create a designated digging spot in your garden by filling a large box with sand or soil and burying toys and treats in it. This will provide your dog with a fun activity and should help to discourage it from digging up the rest of your garden.

Distract Your Dog

If your dog starts to dig, the best thing to do is to distract it with a toy or game. This will help to redirect its attention away from the digging and give you a chance to stop it before it does too much damage. You should also make sure that you praise your dog when it stops digging and give it a treat as a reward.

Use Repellents

Using a repellent can be a good way to stop a dog from digging. There are a variety of commercial repellents available that are designed to deter animals from digging in certain areas. You can also make your own repellent by mixing vinegar and water and spraying it on the areas where your dog is digging.

Exercise Your Dog Regularly

Exercising your dog regularly is an important part of stopping it from digging. Making sure that your dog gets enough exercise will help to keep it entertained and reduce its desire to dig. You should aim to take your dog for at least one walk a day and provide it with plenty of playtime.

Provide Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise when it comes to stopping a dog from digging. You should try to provide your dog with activities that will keep it mentally engaged, such as playing fetch or giving it toys to solve. This will help to reduce its desire to dig and keep it entertained.


Digging is a natural behaviour for dogs but it can become a problem if it starts to damage your garden or lawn. If you’re looking for ways to stop a dog from digging, the tips in this article should help. Try providing your dog with an alternative digging area, distracting it when it starts to dig, using repellents, exercising it regularly and providing it with mental stimulation. With a bit of patience and consistency, you should be able to put an end to the annoying behaviour.

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