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How to Stop a Dog from Humping

Dogs are naturally curious and often get overexcited, which can lead to inappropriate humping behaviour. It's important to understand why this behaviour happens in order to effectively stop it. This article will provide advice on how to stop a dog from humping, including tips on redirecting their focus, providing positive reinforcement, and understanding why the behaviour is occurring in the first place.

What is Humping?

Humping, also known as mounting, is a common behaviour among dogs that can range from mild to aggressive. It generally involves a dog standing on its hind legs and thrusting its hips against another dog, object, or person. Humping can be a sign of dominance, excitement, or a way to get attention. It can also be a sign of a medical problem, stress, or an underlying behavioural issue.

It's important to understand why your dog is humping in order to effectively stop the behaviour.

How to Stop a Dog from Humping

There are several ways to stop a dog from humping, including redirecting their focus, providing positive reinforcement, and understanding the root cause of the behaviour. Here are some tips for how to stop a dog from humping:

  • Redirect their focus: If your dog is humping due to excitement, try redirecting their focus. Give them a toy to play with or take them for a walk. This will help to divert their attention away from the humping behaviour.
  • Provide positive reinforcement: If your dog is humping due to attention-seeking behaviour, provide positive reinforcement when they stop humping. Praise them, give them a treat, or simply give them some extra attention. This will help to reinforce the desired behaviour.
  • Understand the root cause: If your dog is humping due to a medical issue or underlying behavioural issue, it's important to understand the root cause. Talk to your vet or a behaviourist to get to the bottom of the issue and develop an appropriate plan for addressing it.

What Not to Do

It's important to be aware of what not to do when trying to stop a dog from humping. Here are some tips on what not to do when trying to stop a dog from humping:

  • Do not scold or punish your dog: Scolding or punishing your dog for humping can make the behaviour worse. It can also lead to other behavioural issues, such as aggression or fear.
  • Do not encourage the behaviour: If your dog is humping to get attention, do not encourage the behaviour by giving them attention. This will only reinforce the behaviour and make it more likely to occur in the future.
  • Do not ignore the behaviour: Ignoring the behaviour can make it worse. It's important to address the issue in order to stop it from occurring in the future.


Humping is a common behaviour among dogs, but it can be difficult to stop. It's important to understand why your dog is humping in order to effectively stop the behaviour. The best way to stop a dog from humping is to redirect their focus, provide positive reinforcement, and understand the root cause of the behaviour. It's also important to be aware of what not to do when trying to stop a dog from humping, such as scolding or punishing them, encouraging the behaviour, or ignoring it.

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