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How to Stop a Dog from Mouthing

Mouthing is a normal behaviour for dogs, but it can become a problem when they start to mouth people. Dogs may mouth people for several reasons, including attention-seeking, boredom, or even playfulness. Fortunately, it is possible to teach a dog to stop mouthing people. This article will discuss several methods for how to stop a dog from mouthing, including positive reinforcement, distraction, and desensitization.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the act of rewarding a dog for desired behaviour. This can be done with treats, praise, or toys. When a dog stops mouthing, it should be rewarded with a treat or praised with a happy voice. This will help the dog learn that mouthing is not acceptable behaviour. It is important to be consistent with rewards and praise, as this will help the dog understand what behaviour is desired.


Distraction is another effective way to stop a dog from mouthing. When a dog begins to mouth, the owner can distract it by offering a toy or treat. This will help the dog focus on something else and will also help redirect its energy away from mouthing. It is important to ensure that the distraction is interesting enough to keep the dog’s attention away from mouthing.


Desensitization is the process of gradually introducing the dog to the stimulus that triggers the mouthing behaviour. For example, if the dog mouthing is triggered by people, the owner can start by having the dog interact with people from a distance. As the dog becomes more comfortable, the distance can be gradually decreased until the dog is no longer mouthing. This technique can be used for any type of stimulus that triggers the mouthing behaviour.


Mouthing is a normal behaviour for dogs, but it can become a problem when they start to mouth people. Fortunately, there are several methods for how do you stop a dog from mouthing, including positive reinforcement, distraction, and desensitization. By using these techniques, it is possible to teach a dog to stop mouthing people and redirect its energy towards more acceptable behaviours.

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