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How to Get Your Dog to Walk Beside You

Do you want to take your dog out for a walk but struggle to keep them from running away? There are many ways to get your dog to walk beside you and enjoy their time outdoors. This article explains why it is important for your dog to stay close to you and how to properly train them to do so.

Why is it Important for Your Dog to Stay Close?

It is important for your dog to stay close to you when you are taking them out for a walk for safety reasons. If your dog runs away, they can get lost or injured. They may also get into trouble if they are not kept on a leash and come into contact with other animals or vehicles. Additionally, it is important to keep your dog close to you to ensure they receive the necessary training. Properly training your dog to walk beside you is the best way to make sure they get the exercise they need and are well-behaved when out in public.

How to Train Your Dog to Stay Close

The best way to train your dog to stay close to you is through positive reinforcement. Start by rewarding your dog with treats or verbal praise when they stay close to you. This will help them to understand what behavior is expected of them. Additionally, it is important to remain consistent and not give in to your dog if they are trying to pull away from you. If your dog does pull away, stop immediately and wait for them to come back to you. This will let them know that pulling away will not get them what they want.

When you are out for a walk, it is important to keep your dog on a leash at all times. This will help to ensure that they stay close to you and do not wander off. Additionally, you should keep a variety of treats and toys in your pockets to distract your dog if they become bored or distracted. This will help to keep their attention on you and not on other animals or people that may be around.

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Close

Here are some tips to help keep your dog close when you are out for a walk:

  • Be consistent: Make sure to always reward your dog for staying close to you.
  • Keep them on a leash: Keeping your dog on a leash will help to ensure that they do not wander off.
  • Carry treats and toys: Having treats and toys on hand will help to keep your dog focused on you.
  • Be patient: Training your dog to stay close to you may take time so be patient and consistent.


Getting your dog to stay close to you when you are out for a walk is important for their safety and proper training. Training your dog to stay close to you can be done with positive reinforcement and consistency. Be sure to keep your dog on a leash, carry treats and toys, and be patient. Following these tips will help you to get your dog to walk beside you and enjoy their time outdoors.

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